A quick and easy monolith project management utility
Iota provides a simple to use interface, you can either use the Console or the Builder modes. A Console is an interactive CLI utility which let's you call functions from your cogs or even build in there, while the builder is a single command which automates the building/testing/deployment processes.
Using the console is simple (example output):
$ iota
==> Loaded hello at cogs/example_cog/package.json
==> Loaded in console mode
Here you can call any of the cogs that you have loaded. A cog is a library which can be attached to a project and used across any of it's children. This is an example cog structure:
folder structure
|- cogs
\_ example_cog
\_ hello.py
\_ package.json
package.json structure
"hello", // Functions defined in the python file
"depends":"cogs.hello" // Name of the python file here ,
"requires":["example"] // Pip packages can be specified here
Now that we have our cog defined, this is how you define a project:
project: &project
name: "Example Monolith"
type: "monolith"
name: "Your Name"
email: "Your Email"
children: [
depends: [
prep: |
echo ==> Doing something here
build: |
echo ==> Building something here
test: |
build: |
echo ==> Doing something here too
test: |
cat kernel/tests.txt
Once you have that we need to specify our cogs location for HotImport to load:
"name":"Example Cogs",