Project in development.
If you want to participate to the testing, send an email to
Current Status :
Supported transmitters :
- G5
- MiaoMiao 1 and 2, but only with Libre1
- G4 with xBridge
- Blucon
- Bubble
- Droplet 1
6 hour graph with readings
Upload to Nightscout
Follower mode, with NightScout
Store readings in HealthKit
Speak readings
upload to Dexcom share servers
Bluetooth Connection to M5Stack, the M5Stack software to be used can be found here :
Bluetooth Connection to M5StickC, the M5Stickc software to be used can be found here :
Connection to Watlaa :
- go to settings tab, select transmitter type Watlaa
- go back to home screen
- click transmitter
- click start sensor and start the sensor
- then go to the bluetooth tab (the second tab)
- click the +
- select watlaa
- select watlaa master
- scan
- click 'done'
xdrip should now receive the libre packets, you should get a calibration request
create events in Calendar when new glucose reading is received. This to support AppleWatch. More info :
For developers : please go to the Wiki :