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Auto Queue Configuration with CRIC

FaHui Lin edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 9 revisions

Configuration on Harvester

Configuration on Harvester To make harvester work with auto queue configuration, one needs some lines in harvester.cfg:


configFromCacher = True

queueList =

resolverModule = pandaharvester.harvestermisc.info_utils

resolverClass = PandaQueuesDict


data =
 ddmendpoints_objectstores.json||(URL of remote object stores JSON)
 agis_ddmendpoints.json||(URL of remote DDM endpoint JSON)
 panda_queues.json||(URL of remote schedconfig JSON)
 queues_config_file||(URL of remote queue configuration JSON)

On CERN_central_A,B these URLs are:

  • for AGIS (obsoleted December 2020)
data =
... # Don't delete other entries you might have in the cacher configuration
  • links for CRIC (recommended configuration).
data = 
... # Don't delete other entries you might have in the cacher configuration

Note that the CRIC links moved to https and require a certificate registered and authorised by CRIC. To authenticate in the https connection, Harvester will use the certificates configured here:


# CA file: this path is the typical CA CERT coming in CSOps installed machines
ca_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem

# certificate
cert_file = <CERT FILE>

# key
key_file = <KEY FILE>

Because of the changes required for https, Harvester needs to have been updated after 3 July 2020. You can verify this in your pandaharvester/ file.

One can skip the line of “queues_config_file” if no remote queueconfig needed. There are other plugins that use "cacher" to download information for them, do not remove other entries.



Queue vs Template:

In Harvester queue configurations, an object (~JSON object) can be either a queue or a template.


  • Queue: A queue (or configuration of a queue) corresponds to the name of a real PanDA queue that Harvester works for. One can set a template of the queue in order to inherit all attributes (parameters) and values written in the template.
  • Template: An abstract template of queue configuration meant to be reused in queues. Harvester does not store a template in DB and does not submit workers for a template.


  • The object is a template if its name (key) ends up in "_TEMPLATE" or it has attribute isTemplateQueue set to be True. Otherwise, the object is a queue.
  • A queue written in local or remote file takes a template with the attribute templateQueueName of the queue set to be the name of the template.
  • A queue set on AGIS takes a template with name from PQ field harvester_template, or a default template name <type>.<workflow> (e.g. production.push) if field harvester_template is blank.
  • Queue and template are exclusive to each others. A queue cannot be a template simultaneously and vice versa.
  • A queue will be invalid if its templateQueueName is set to be an non-existing template or another queue. Harvester will ignore invalid queues.
  • Nested templates is not allowed (and not possible) according to rules above.

Attributes in Configurations

There are two types of attributes in harvester queue configurations:

Generic attributes

For general setup of the PQ. E.g. maxWorkers, mapType, etc.

Plugin attributes

For certain harvester plugin of the PQ. Contain subkey, subvalues. E.g. monitor, submitter, etc. and common (which applies to all plugins)


Sources of queue configurations

Queue configurations can come from three kinds of sources:

  • Local: Static JSON describing queue and/or template in a local file on harvester, say panda_queueconfig.json (filename defined in harvester.cfg)
  • Remote: Static JSON describing queue and/or template in a remote file shared with HTTP URL (URL and related setup defined in harvester.cfg . See how)
  • Dynamic: Queues (only queues, no template) generated according to information on AGIS (related setup defined in harvester.cfg . See how)


  • LT: Local template, written in local queueconfig file (panda_queueconfig.json)
  • RT: Remote template, on http source fetched by cacher (e.g. on GitHub)
  • FT: Final template derived from RT and LT.
  • LQ: Local queue configuration, written in local queueconfig file (panda_queueconfig.json)
  • RQ: Remote queue configuration, on http source fetched by cacher, static (e.g. on GitHub)
  • DQ: Dynamic queue configuration, configured with information from resolver (e.g. coming from AGIS)
  • FQ: Final queue configuration of a PanDA queue derived from RQ, DQ, and LQ.

Priority rule

  • Templates: LT > RT
  • Queues: LQ > DQ > RQ

This priority rule for templates/queues with the same name from multiple sources will be taken in following steps.

Dynamic Queues (DQ) set on AGIS

See Instructions of configuration on AGIS and Move configuration of existing PQ in Local queueconfig file to AGIS

Update of a configuration

Here explains how a configuration A will be "updated" with another configuration B:

  • For generic attributes in B but not in A: Add the attribute/value of B to A
  • For generic attributes in both: Take the value of the same attribute in B
  • For plugin attributes in B but not in A: Add the attribute and all keys/values of this attribute of B to A
  • For plugin attributes in both: "Update" the attribute with B. That is, for all keys/values in the attribute of B, add the key/value to the attributes of A if the key does not exist in A's, or take the value of B's for the key if the key exists in A's.
  • Some special attributes (say isTemplateQueue, templateQueueName) will be handled separately and not included during the update process (i.e. skipped).

How does Harvester handle configurations from multiple sources

  1. Collect configurations from all sources:

    • Get RTs and RQs from remote resource (e.g. GitHub, http URL)
    • Get LTs and LQs from local queueconfig file
    • Get DQs (only queue name, its template, and associate parameters) from AGIS
  2. Generate final templates (FTs) via the rules:

    • If a RT (among RTs) and a LT (among LTs) have the same name, only the LT will be added to FTs. (following the priority rule)
    • Otherwise, all RTs and LTs without duplication in name will all be added to FTs.
    • That is, for any specific template name, FT = LT if LT exists else RT .
  3. Define the template of each queue among all queues (RQ, DQ, LQ). Rules:

    • The template name for a queue will be defined by the queue with highest priority among all existing queue/queues among RQ, DQ, LQ with the same name AND taking a template. (following the priority rule)
    • If none of the queues with the same name takes template, then no template for this queue name.
    • That is, for any specific template name, its template name will be defined by: LQ if LQ exists and LQ takes template else (DQ if DQ exists and DQ takes template else RQ)
  4. Generate configuration of each queue via steps: 0. Start from an empty configuration object (say a JSON object {})

    1. If the queue takes a template (decided in 3. above), then update (see update) the configuration object with the configurations of the template. If the queue takes an invalid template (not in FTs), then this queue will be skipped/unavailable in harvester. Otherwise, if no template taken, skip this step.
    2. If RQ exists, update the configuration object with RQ.
    3. If DQ exists, update the configuration object with DQ (only associate parameters count here).
    4. If LQ exists, update the configuration object with LQ.
    5. Then the configuration object is the FQ. In short, FQ = (template defined among RQ,DQ,LQ) updated with RQ, next updated with DQ, then updated with LQ .
    6. Go through some sanity checks, addition adjustments of FQ. If FQ ever gets checked as invalid (e.g. missing mandatory attributes like submitter), this queue will be skipped/unavailable in harvester.
    7. If FQ survives, it will be updated to harvester DB and harvester will submit workers for it.

Instructions of configuration on AGIS

Note: Currently all the following steps ONLY work for Harvester instance CERN_central_A and CERN_central_B.

To add new PQ to Harvester on AGIS for auto queue configuration

  • Open the AGIS page of the PQ.
  • Make sure all steps on AGIS of a Harvester PQs are done first (e.g. pilot manager = Harvester, and some UCORE or UPS setup if necessary).
  • Choose the step “Add a Normal Grid PQ” or “Add a PQ Requiring Special Template” below (yet not both!). And see if one needs to go through the optional “Add Associate Parameters”.

Examples following in several cases

Add a Normal Grid PQ

Among SchedConfig parameters, fill in field "harvester" and "workflow"

Thus, now the minimum auto pq configuration on AGIS looks like this:

harvester: CERN_central_B/Harvester (CERN-PROD)
workflow: pull_ups
  • For "harvester", choose an harvester instance, typically either CERN_central_A/Harvester (CERN-PROD) or CERN_central_B/Harvester (CERN-PROD)
  • For “workflow”, choose a workflow among Push, Pull, and Pull_UPS. For UPS (unified pilot streaming) PQs, choose Pull_UPS.

Note that the “harvester_template” must be left blank, otherwise it will override the template.


Associate parameters are not needed for most grid PQs (taking default values from template).

Description: If harvester_template is blank, then harvester will take the default template name as ".". For instance, default template of Taiwan-LCG2-HPC2_Unified in the example above will be "production.pull_ups", and this template is defined on the common template file on github.

Add a PQ Requiring Special Template

Only PQs which cannot use default templates need this setup:

Among SchedConfig parameters, fill in field "harvester" and "harvester template" . E.g.

harvester: CERN_central_B/Harvester (CERN-PROD)

For "harvester", choose an harvester instance, typically either CERN_central_A/Harvester (CERN-PROD) or CERN_central_B/Harvester (CERN-PROD)

For "harvester template", insert the string of a template name in the common grid queueconfig template on GitHub or local config file. (More templates can be added to GitHub in the future if necessary.). The “harvester_template” field overrides the name template of default from PQ type + workflow.

Add Associate Parameters (Optional)

Do this only when it is not enough to work with parameters in default template on GitHub. For new normal Grid PQ, better to skip this section and start with default to see how it goes, and then ramp up/down parameters via the approach introduced here to tune stuff.

Under Associated Params, one can add harvester queue parameters. Click "Attach new Parameters to PQ" and then insert param and value. E.g.

Currently only parameters following for limits of job/workers are available:

  • For jobs: nQueueLimitJob, nQueueLimitJobRatio, nQueueLimitJobMax, nQueueLimitJobMin
  • For workers: nQueueLimitWorker, maxWorkers, maxNewWorkersPerCycle, nQueueLimitWorkerRatio, nQueueLimitWorkerMax, nQueueLimitWorkerMin


Then, after 20~30 minutes (considering cacher update period ~ 10 min. + qconf object update period ~ 10 min.), the harvester instance specified shall fetch the information on AGIS and start to submit workers for the PQ. Or, if one does not want to wait, one can manually refresh harvester cacher and queue configurations on harvester node via harvester-admin commands (new feature after 181124):

$ <dir_of_harvester-admin>/harvester-admin cacher refresh
$ <dir_of_harvester-admin>/harvester-admin qconf refresh


Move configuration of existing PQ in Local queueconfig file to AGIS

Do the same steps in “Add new PQ to Harvester on AGIS”.

Basically one can easily translate JSON object of a normal GRID PQ in local queueconfig file to configuration on AGIS.

E.g. Actually the example of AGIS configuration above is translated from the following PQ in local queueconfig file on CERN_central_B instance:


where the “runMode” and “mapType” are defined in the template “PRODUCTION_PULL_UPS_SHAREDFS_TEMPLATE” on GitHub already; the “queueStatus” is always online if configured on AGIS (If one wants it offline on harvester instance, modify “pilot manager” field to be something else than “Harvester”)

After 20~30 minutes, remove the PQ in local queueconfig json file, and reload harvester service (or wait a few minutes more).

One can then check whether the PQ is still on the harvester node (coming from AGIS) with harvester-admin command. E.g.

[root@aipanda173 ~]# /usr/local/bin/harvester-admin qconf dump -J Taiwan-LCG2-HPC_Unified
	"Taiwan-LCG2-HPC_Unified": {
    	"allowJobMixture": false,
    	"configID": 963,
    	"ddmEndpointIn": null,
    	"getJobCriteria": null,
    	"mapType": "NoJob",
    	"maxNewWorkersPerCycle": 200,
    	"maxSubmissionAttempts": 3,
    	"maxWorkers": 900,

If so, then done.


See slides for some examples.


What if the same PQ set both on AGIS and in local queueconfig file?

Priority of location to define the parameters (descending):

  1. PQ in Local queueconfig json file on harvester node (LQ)
  2. Associated Params on AGIS (DQ)
  3. PQ on remote URL source (RQ). So far no RQ is set on GitHub but still possible
  4. Template in Local queueconfig json file on harvester node (LT)
  5. Template on GitHub (common grid queueconfig template), or other remote URL source (RT)

What if one inserts erroneous values in queue configuration (on AGIS or in local file)?

In principle, encountering invalid queue configurations of a PQ, harvester will:

  • Drop the problematic PQ (offline and unavailable)
  • Log error/warning message in panda-queue_config_mapper.log
  • Keep running and serving the valid PQs and existing workers, without breaking anything


If “monitor” and “preparator” of Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score are not defined in AGIS, local file, or any templates, then this queue is consider invalid and will be unavailable on harvester:

# /opt/harvester/local/bin/harvester-admin qconf dump -J Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score
ERROR : Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score is not available

And in panda-queue_config_mapper.log there can be:

2018-11-22 19:46:21,072 panda.log.queue_config_mapper: DEBUG	QueueConfigMapper.load_data : queue Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score comes from LQ
2018-11-22 19:46:21,076 panda.log.queue_config_mapper: ERROR	QueueConfigMapper.load_data : Missing mandatory attributes preparator,monitor . Omitted Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score in queue config

which shows the queue comes from LQ (local queue). Thus, one should check if something is fishy in local config file.


One inserts the name of a non-existing harvester template on AGIS, say:

PanDA Queue: Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score
harvester template: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And assume nothing in local config file overrides it. Then, this queue is consider invalid and will be unavailable on harvester, and in panda-queue_config_mapper.log there can be:

2018-11-22 19:46:20,935 panda.log.queue_config_mapper: WARNING  QueueConfigMapper.load_data : Invalid templateQueueName "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" for Taiwan-LCG2-htcondor-score (DQ). Skipped

which shows the queue comes from DQ (dynamic queue). Thus, one knows they should check the setup of this PQ on AGIS.

If you find harvester gets broken with an erroneous queue configuration or error/warning message not informative enough, report the issue to developers.

Can I determine the PQ to be UCORE or UPS queue elsewhere than AGIS? Say, in local queueconfig file on Harvester?

Short answer: No.

To make UPS (unifiled pilot streaming) working on a PQ, both PanDA server and Harvester need to know the PQ is a UPS queue (so PanDA computes how many workers of each resources type to submit, and harvester only submits workers passively according to commands from PanDA). Thus, the information of UPS setup of the PQ must share across both PanDA and harvester: AGIS is ideal for this. It makes no sense to set a PQ to be a UPS queue unilaterally. As to UCORE (unified), well, harvester can still to submit workers without knowing the queue is UCORE or not: UCORE information only influence the computation of resource requirement of a worker. But there is no reason not to keep information about UCORE of the queue on AGIS.

Actually even for a MCORE or SCORE queue, Harvester does not need set the string “MCORE” or “SCORE”. All one can do to define the number of cores is:

  • Set nCore explicitly (fixed value) of the PQ in queue configuration,
  • Or take the resource requirement (corecount) of the job (default) in push,
  • Or take the capacity (corecount) of the site from AGIS (default) in rest cases And the same situation holds for a UCORE queue. (and similar for memory requirement etc.)

So UCORE can only be reasonably run in Push where ncore of workers defined by jobs, or Pull_UPS where ncore of workers decided by PanDA. (In the case a UCORE running in pure Pull mode, Harvester will end up submitting workers with fixed ncore, either according to explicitly set nCore, or site corecount from AGIS) Since AGIS information (site corecount, etc.) can be referenced for a queue no matter what, set the UCORE tag queue on AGIS is natural.

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