This is a simplified graph implementation of Memory Nets [1], a high-level knowledge representation for intelligent agents. The main intention using this memory is to store observations from a physical environment in a situational framing. On an abstract level, such a framing always consists of subjects, that execute a certain action on objects and through this, change states of the involved participants. These four types are called Concept Domains which are represented as four independent inheritance hierarchies, as depicted in Figure 1 upper part. As Concept Domains are assumed to be long time stable and generally valid, they are indicated as Long Term Memory (LTM), similar to the TBox.
Each observation is encapsulated into an Action Pattern, that extends the basic Concept Domains by further situational roles. For example, imagine we have a person 1 (which is of type Subject) that hands over (Action) a glass (Object) to another person 2. As person 1 executes the action, it jumps into the role of an actor, while it also remains of type Subject. Person 2, also of type Subject, is now in the role of a receiver, as it is the target location of the handed over glass. In this implementation of Memory Nets, such a role is indicated by a dedicated link "has_recipient". In the lower part of Figure 1, the resulting Memory Nets graph is illustrated. Currrently, following roles are supported: "object", "tool", "location", "time" and "agent", which you can also find in the code Memory Nets Roles.
Figure 1: The four Memory Nets Concept Domains according to [1].The following sample JSON-file shows how to create an initial Memory Nets Graph as list of dictionaries. Each single dictionary is represents
a node in the graph. Nodes can be linked by specifying the parent node attributes. It is necessary to use a unique identifier,
like an uuid or synset - if WordNet is used.
). You can assign any attributes to the node providing node_attributes
as dictionary.
To ensure a proper reasoning, you must use at least the node attributes provided below. Optionally you can attach states
in natural language, like "green" or "tall".
"link": "spec_to",
"parent_attributes": {"accessid": ["glass.n.01"]},
"node_attributes": {
"type": "object",
"utterances": ["glass"],
"timestamp": 1714741106.3516276,
"memory": "stm",
"uuid": "658190c06eccd77ab5dc84d4"
The minimum set of attributes must contain following values:
- type: Fixed string value. Allowed values are: "action", "object", "tool", "location", "time", "agent"
- utterances: Array of strings. Represents spoken or intended phrases, such as ["glass", "cup", "bottle"].
- timestamp: Numeric value representing the Unix epoch time of the inserted node, e.g. using time.time().
- memory: String. Specifies the type of memory storage to use. Allowed values are: "stm", "ltm" or "mtm"
- uuid: String formatted as a universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for unique identification a node.
UUIDs allow for a proper ID management and it is highly recommended to make use of it for linking nodes. You can easiliy create a UUID by
from bson import ObjetID
uuid = str(ObjectID())
The easiest way to use BasicMemet is simply installing it into your own virtual environment or user site-packages.
pip install git+
```#### Working with the Source Code
Alternatively, you can clone the whole repository and run an example script as descibed below.
git clone
cd BasicMemnet
python -m venv venv
# For Linux, use this line
source venv/bin/activate
# For Windows, use this line
# It is also recommended to download GraphViz from, locate the Graphviz\bin folder and add it to the PATH variable in your system variables. Otherwise you will use the built-in graph layout from networkX.
# ensure having the latest pip version - required for "pip install -e" option
pip install --upgrade pip
# use -e option to modify the basicmemnet code without re-installtion
pip install -e .
You can find an example script that loads an action pattern example json file in examples/ In the constructor, you can switch between making use of WordNet or not. By default, it is switched off for a fast initial run, which you can find here (cf. Memory Nets Example.
python -m examples/
A more complex example, loading the KIT Bimanual Action Dataset [4], can be found here:
python examples/
- Eggert, J., Deigmoeller, J., Fischer, L., and Richter, A. (2019). Memory Nets: Knowledge representation for intelligent agent operations in real world. International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management.
- Eggert, J., Deigmoeller, J., Fischer, L., and Richter, A. (2020). Action representation for intelligent agents using Memory Nets. In Communications in Computer and Information Science.
- Deigmoeller, J., Smirnov, P., Wang, C., Takeuchi, J., and Eggert, J. (2022). Situational question answering using memory nets. International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management.
- F. Krebs, A. Meixner, I. Patzer and T. Asfour. “The KIT Bimanual Manipulation Dataset” 20th International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2020.