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ℹ What is this?

This is a Julia implementation that speeds up the Gaussian Process Cross Correlation (GPCC) via a heuristic.

The original GPCC implementation can be found here.

💾 Installation

Apart from cloning, an easy way of using the package is the following:

1 - Add the registry AINJuliaRegistry

2 - Switch into "package mode" with ] and add the package with

add FasterGPCC

The package exports the methods posteriordelay.

It also re-exports the GPCC methods rbf,OU,matern32,matern52,simulatetwolightcurves, simulatethreelightcurves, infercommonlengthscale, gpcc and uniformpriordelay.

🚀 An important note about performance

(This note is not specific to the FasterGPCC package; it applies in general whenever BLAS threads run concurrently to julia threads.)

The package supports the parallel evaluation of candidate delays. To that end, start julia with multiple threads. For instance, you can start julia with 8 threads using julia -t8. We recommend to use as many threads as physical cores.

To get the most performance, please read this note here concerning issues when running multithreaded code that makes use of BLAS calls. In most cases, the following instructions suffice:

using LinearAlgebra
BLAS.set_num_threads(1) # Set the number of BLAS threads to 1

using ThreadPinning # must be indepedently installed
pinthreads(:cores) # allows you to pin Julia threads to specific CPU-threads 

Unless you are using the Intel MKL, we recommend to always use the above code before estimating delays.

▶ How to estimate delays

Two-lightcurves example

Start Julia with multiple threads. We simulate some data:

using FasterGPCC, LinearAlgebra, ThreadPinning

tobs, yobs, σobs, truedelays = simulatetwolightcurves()

We define a set of candidate delays that we would like to test:

candidatedelays = LinRange(0.0, 10.0, 100)

Having generated the simulated data, we will now estimate the delays. To that end we use the function posteriordelay:

 P = posteriordelay(tobs, yobs, σobs, candidatedelays; kernel = rbf, iterations = 1000)

The returned P contains the probability of each candidate delay. We can plot the result with:

using Plots # must be independently installed
plot(candidatedelays, P)

Three-lightcurves example

We show how the above estimation of the posterior delay can be performed for three lightcurves:

using FasterGPCC, LinearAlgebra, ThreadPinning

tobs, yobs, σobs, truedelays = simulatethreelightcurves()

candidatedelays = LinRange(0.0, 6.0, 100)
P = posteriordelay(tobs, yobs, σobs, candidatedelays; kernel = rbf, iterations = 1000)

size(P) # P is now a matrix, above it was a vector

using PyPlot # must be indepedently installed, other plotting packages can be used instead
plot(candidatedelays, vec(sum(P,dims=[2;3])))
plot(candidatedelays, vec(sum(P,dims=[1;3])))

figure(); title("joint distribution")
pcolor(candidatedelays, candidatedelays, P)

The above examples can be extended to more than three lightcurves.

▶ Estimate delays for real datasets

In the following script, we estimate the delays for a number of objects where two light curves are available. The real data are provided in the package GPCCData.jl. After stating Julia with multiple threads, we execute the following script:

using FasterGPCC, LinearAlgebra, ThreadPinning

using GPCCData # needs to be indepedently installed, provides access to real data
using PyPlot # needs to be indepedently installed

let # WARMUP - Julia precompiles code

  tobs, yobs, σobs, truedelays = simulatetwolightcurves()
  candidatedelays = LinRange(0.0,4.0,3)
  posteriordelay(tobs, yobs, σobs, candidatedelays; kernel = OU);


candidatedelays = collect(0.0:0.1:60.0)

for i in 1:5
       tobs, yobs, σobs, lambda, = readdataset(source = listdatasets()[i])
       P = posteriordelay(tobs, yobs, σobs, candidatedelays; kernel = OU)
       figure(); title(listdatasets()[i])
       plot(candidatedelays, P)

  idx = [6, 4, 5] #  correspond to wavelengths 9100, 5100, 7700

  tobs, yobs, σobs, lambda, = readdataset(source = "Mgc0811")
  tobs, yobs, σobs = tobs[idx], yobs[idx], σobs[idx]

  candidatedelays = collect(0.0:0.05:10)

  P = posteriordelay(tobs, yobs, σobs, candidatedelays; kernel = matern32)

  figure(); title("marginals")
  plot(candidatedelays, vec(sum(P,dims=[2;3])))
  plot(candidatedelays, vec(sum(P,dims=[1;3])))
  figure(); title("joint distribution")
  pcolor(candidatedelays, candidatedelays, P)



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