5 cr, University of Helsinki, spring 2022
Lecturer: Aapo Hyvärinen TA: Hermanni Hälvä
This webpage contains the coursework. See the sub-folders for each week's work, with submission information inside. You need to complete the questions locally on your computer. In case you haven't used git before, you clone the repo by "git clone https://github.com/HHalva/ccn.git" on your command line.
In order to complete these courseworks, you will need:
- Git
- python 3 (I recommend setting everything up via miniconda)
- jupyter notebook (you need this on your computer to open the assignments)
- numpy package
In case you have any questions, please open an issue in the tab above, or email myself or Aapo. Opening an issue is preferable as then everyone can benefit from your question. Also if you find any mistakes (very likely) please let us know!