Tools for electronic structure theory (EST) calculation (e.g. Gaussian, QChem or Molpro).
- Fortran
- Bash shell script
- Gnuplot
- Python
- check*, Check*
- Check the status
- get*, Get*
- Extract the selected data
- qsub*
- Submit input file(s)
- Bash shell script
: Create a serious of vectorscheckGau
: Check the status of Gaussian16 output filecheckMol
: Check the status of Molpro output filecheckQch
: Check the status of Q-Chem output filegetCoord
: Extract the optimized coordinate from a Gaussian/QChem output filegetIRCPEC
: Extract IRC energy curve explicitly form G09 IRC output filegetIRCstruc
: Extract a serious of structures form G09 IRC output filegetJob
: Extract the job name and directory of the running jobsgetMOdensity
: Extract the normal mode eigenvector from Gaussian/QChem jobhartree2eV
: Create the configuration file of EST jobs for SGE queuing systemrev1Dstruc
: Extract the coordinate and then write the input file for Gaussian program.writeGauInpV
- Fortran
: Produce a serious of structure along a selected coordinate.ComW
: Find out the centre-of-mass of attached water
- Python
- Others