- Using several programs/scripts to general a numerical two-dimensional potential energy surface (2D-PES) of reaction with post-transition-state bifurcation (PTSB).
- Supporting information of Construction of Two-Dimensional Potential Energy Surfaces of Reactions with Post-Transition-State Bifurcations.
- Author : Hsiao-Han (Grace) Chuang - Initial work - 2018 May.
Optimize two transition-state structures (TSSs), and then run the corresponding IRCs. After that, extract the last points of IRCs as the initial structures for local minima optimization.
- Code:
From organic chemistry, guess possible initial structures of TSSs and then follow the user guide in standard electronic package (i.e., Gaussian 09/16 in this project) to write input files.
- TSSs have one and only one imaginary frequency and the corresponding vibration mode need to fit the guessed reaction mechanisms.
- This try-and-error step needs well-trained organic chemistry background and good chemical intuition.
Double check the consistency of atomic index and ordering for all molecules.
- Check the ordering of atoms between TSS1 and TSS2 systems. Reorder them via Gaussview if they are different.
Gain enough grid points of an IRC path
- Use
to test different combinations of keywords in route section. - Check the direction of IRC paths.
- Use
Double check the orientation for all systems.
- Use gaussview or jmol to check the molecular orientation.
- Show axes is easier to check.
to check all important information from Gaussian output files.
For asymmetric cases, build the artificial reaction coordinate in the TSS1 forward direction.
- Code:
- Input:
- $(selectCoord).log, TSS2.log
- Output:
- Artic1D.xyz, Artic1D_PEC.dat
- Compare the energy difference between TSS1 and TSS2:
- TSS1 > TSS2
- Go to the following steps.
- TSS1 < TSS2 and the energy difference is small
- Beyond this project, this is not a pitchfork model potential.
- TSS1 > TSS2
- Select a point from TSS1 IRC forward direction.
- Near the shoulder of its energy profile.
- Near the gradient which is close to zero, or has a turn over point.
- Execute
to generate a serious of structures which usegenArticStruc.f90
to build artificial reaction coordinate.- After it fulfills the criteria (i.e. energy difference between the last point and TS2 is less than 0.0001 hartree; less than 1 kcal/mol), the program will stop automatically.
- Use
to check the structures via file Artic1D.xyz. - Use
to plot energy profile via file Artic1D_PEC.dat.
Combine fragmented files into three files, x.xyz, y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz.
- Code:
- Output:
- x.xyz, y_F.xyz, y_R.xyz
- Copy 4 IRC output files from /OPT to /1D as the input files for the following steps.
- Generate x.xyz
- Use
to extract energy profiles, and then use gnuplot to plot the potential energy curves.- The sign of coordinate may need to be modified; use awk.
- Use
to extract all the structures.- In the IRC file, it starts from TS structure by default. So use
to reverse the direction for reverse direction.
- In the IRC file, it starts from TS structure by default. So use
- Combine the forward and reverse direction to form a whole path as x.xyz.
- x.xyz = R
$\to$ TSS1$\to$ TSS2.
- x.xyz = R
- Use
- Generate y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz.
- y_F.xyz = TSS2
$\to$ P1. - y_R.xyz = TSS2
$\to$ P2.
- y_F.xyz = TSS2
- Check the orientation via jmol and then open the axes function; sometimes the TS structure and IRC structures has shift, and cannot properly overlap to each other.
- Input:
- TS1_F.xyz, Artic1D.xyz
- Output:
- TS1_F_Artic1D.xyz, x.xyz, y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz
- Generate x.xyz
- For TS1 forward direction, combine the TS1_F.xyz from reactant to the selected point and Artic1D.xyz. After that, name the new file as TS1_F_Artic1D.xyz .
- Use jmol to double check the orientation of TS1_F_Artic1D.xyz .
- Combine TS1_F_Artic1D.xyz and TS1_R.xyz as x.xyz
- x.xyz = R
$\to$ TSS1$\to$ selected point$\to$ TSS2
- x.xyz = R
- Generate y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz: same process as the symmetric case.
To reduce computational cost, select enough grid points in one-dimensional energy profile instead of using full grids.
- Code:
- Input:
- Symmetric cases (5 files):
- header.dat (route section)
- TS1_F/R.log
- TS2_F/R.log.
- Asymmetric cases (7 files):
- header.dat
- TS1_F/R.log
- TS2_F/R.log
- $(coordinate of select point).log
- Artic1D.xyz
- Symmetric cases (5 files):
- Output:
- Symmetric cases
- $(NGrid)_TS1_F.xyz
- Asymmetric cases
- $(NGrid)_TS1_F_Artic1D.xyz
- $(NGrid)_TS1_R.xyz
- $(NGrid)_TS2_F.xyz
- $(NGrid)_TS2_R.xyz
- E_scan.*.dat
- Symmetric cases
- Execute script
to generate selected 1D grid points.- If the file, Artic1D.xyz, exists, then it is an asymmetric case. Or, it is a symmetric case. Do not remove it durning the calculation.
- The default amount of selected grid point is 30, and it can be modified in line 212 of
. -
selects points along the new reaction coordinate in order to reduce the computational cost. - Use gnuplot to double check the geometries and the selected geometries.
- Execute
to collect data.- Plot the potential energy curves of selected grid points to see if the selected points are reasonable.
Double check the geometries! Really important! Use gnuplot to check the geometries of x.xyz; it should start from R to TSS2. Recall that,
- x.xyz = R
$\to$ TSS1$\to$ selected point$\to$ TSS2.
- x.xyz = R
- Code:
- Generate numerical 2D-PES
- Constrain optimization
- Collect rawdata
- Plot contour and 3D version figure
- Generate numerical 2D-PES
- Input:
- header.dat, x.xyz, y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz
- Output:
$(Pts)_E.dat, $ (Pts)_Struc.xyz
- Generate a numerical 2D-PES
- Create sub-directories and named as Forward and Reverse, which is the directions along y-axis.
- In /1D directory, rename
$(NGrid)_TS2_F.xyz as y_F.xyz, and $ (NGrid)_TS2_R.xyz as y_R.xyz. After that, copy x.xyz, y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz from /1D to /2DPES. - Execute
to calculate translational vectors from y_F.xyz and y_R.xyz. - Generate a serious of structures via script
, which has an output file, pes.txt. - Generate gaussian input files via
. - Submit all the gaussian input files via
- Collect rawdata
- Make sure all the single points are successfully calculated.
Count the amount of successful output files as the primarily checking. If it is different from the expect amount of jobs, go to the next step.
> cat *.log | grep -c Normal
to extract the list of fail jobs (i.e. red box) and the name is recorded in Fail.txt.- Usually, recalculate the fail jobs can solve the problem.
> for name in `cat Fail.txt` > do > g16sub $name.com $name.log > done
- Usually, recalculate the fail jobs can solve the problem.
If above strategy cannot solve the problem, add other SCF keywords in the fail gaussian input files, eg. SCF=xqc.
- Use
to extract electronic energy and structures.
- Make sure all the single points are successfully calculated.
- Plot contour and 3D version figure; execute step 1, 2 and 4 in
, which is line 215 , line 218 and line 224. - Modify this potential if it is not 'reasonable'.
- Code:
- Add force in the header.dat file, and then recalculate all the grid points.
- Use
to extract gradient and named as $name.grad. - Use
to executeGenGradStruc.f90
, and then generate several new potentials which are named as G_*.xyz.- Modify the range of ds in
- Modify the range of ds in
- Follow the original processes to calculate those potentials.
- Code: