HDR UK Dataset Metadata JSONSchema
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | Yes | Unknown status | No | Forbidden | Forbidden | none | dataset.schema.json |
(HDR UK Dataset Schema)
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
identifier | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
version | string |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
revisions | array |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
issued | string |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
modified | string |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
summary | Not specified | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
documentation | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
coverage | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
provenance | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessibility | Not specified | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
enrichmentAndLinkage | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
observations | array |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
structuralMetadata | array |
Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
System dataset identifier
is required
Type: merged type (Dataset identifier)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Dataset identifier)
any of
Dataset metadata version
is required
(Dataset Version) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Dataset Version)
pattern: the string must match the following regular expression:
Revisions of Dataset metadata
is required
Type: an array of merged types (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
an array of merged types (Details)
Dataset Metadata Creation Date
is required
(Creation Date) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Creation Date)
date time: the string must be a date time string, according to RFC 3339, section 5.6
Dataset Metadata Creation Date
is required
(Modification Date) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Modification Date)
date time: the string must be a date time string, according to RFC 3339, section 5.6
Summary metadata must be completed by Data Custodians onboarding metadata into the Innovation Gateway MVP.
is required
Type: unknown (Summary)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Summary)
Documentation can include a rich text description of the dataset or links to media such as documents, images, presentations, videos or links to data dictionaries, profiles or dashboards. Organisations are required to confirm that they have permission to distribute any additional media.
is optional
Type: unknown (Documentation)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Documentation)
This information includes attributes for geographical and temporal coverage, cohort details etc. to enable a deeper understanding of the dataset content so that researchers can make decisions about the relevance of the underlying data.
is optional
Type: unknown (Coverage)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Coverage)
Provenance information allows researchers to understand data within the context of its origins and can be an indicator of quality, authenticity and timeliness.
is optional
Type: unknown (Provenance)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Provenance)
Accessibility information allows researchers to understand access, usage, limitations, formats, standards and linkage or interoperability with toolsets.
is required
Type: unknown (Accessibility)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Accessibility)
This section includes information about related datasets that may have previously been linked, as well as indicating if there is the opportunity to link to other datasets in the future. If a dataset has been enriched and/or derivations, scores and existing tools are available this section allows providers to indicate this to researchers.
is optional
Type: unknown (Enrichment and Linkage)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Enrichment and Linkage)
Multiple observations about the dataset may be provided and users are expected to provide at least one observation (1..*). We will be supporting the observation model ( with default values. Users will be encouraged to provide their own statistical populations as the project progresses. Example: <b> Statistical Population 1 </b> type: StatisticalPopulation populationType: Persons numConstraints: 0 <b> Statistical Population 2 </b> type: StatisticalPopulation populationType: Events numConstraints: 0 <b> Statistical Population 3 </b> type: StatisticalPopulation populationType: Findings numConstraints: 0 typeOf: Observation observedNode: <b> Statistical Population 1 </b> measuredProperty: count measuredValue: 32937 observationDate: “2017”
is required
Type: an array of merged types (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
an array of merged types (Details)
Descriptions of all tables and data elements that can be included in the dataset
First phase includes only column level metadata, future versions will include value level attributes
is optional
Type: an array of merged types (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
an array of merged types (Details)
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
version | Not specified | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
url | Not specified | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Semantic Version
is required
Type: unknown
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
URL endpoint to obtain the version
is required
Type: unknown
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
title | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
abstract | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
publisher | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
contactPoint | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
keywords | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
alternateIdentifiers | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
doiName | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Title of the dataset limited to 80 characters. It should provide a short description of the dataset and be unique across the gateway. If your title is not unique, please add a prefix with your organisation name or identifier to differentiate it from other datasets within the Gateway. Please avoid acronyms wherever possible. Good titles should summarise the content of the dataset and if relevant, the region the dataset covers.
dct:title. title is reserved word in json schema
is required
Type: merged type (Title)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Title)
all of
"North West London COVID-19 Patient Level Situation Report"
Provide a clear and brief descriptive signpost for researchers who are searching for data that may be relevant to their research. The abstract should allow the reader to determine the scope of the data collection and accurately summarise its content. The optimal length is one paragraph (limited to 255 characters) and effective abstracts should avoid long sentences and abbreviations where possible
is required
Type: merged type (Dataset Abstract)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Dataset Abstract)
all of
"CPRD Aurum contains primary care data contributed by General Practitioner (GP) practices using EMIS Web® including patient registration information and all care events that GPs have chosen to record as part of their usual medical practice."
This is the organisation responsible for running or supporting the data access request process, as well as publishing and maintaining the metadata. In most this will be the same as the HDR UK Organisation (Hub or Alliance Member). However, in some cases this will be different i.e. Tissue Directory are an HDR UK Gateway organisation but coordinate activities across a number of data publishers i.e. Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank.
Conforms to spec, but this MAY be an an object of organisation.
is required
Type: merged type (Dataset publisher)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Dataset publisher)
all of
Please provide a valid email address that can be used to coordinate data access requests with the publisher. Organisations are expected to provide a dedicated email address associated with the data access request process. Notes- An employee's email address can only be provided on a temporary basis and if one is provided an explicit consent must be obtained for this purpose.
is required
Type: merged type (Contact Point)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Contact Point)
all of
The default value is:
"Defaulted to the contact point of the primary organisation of the user however, can be overridden for specific datasets"
Please provide relevant and specific keywords that can improve the SEO of your dataset as a comma separated list. Notes: Onboarding portal will suggest keywords based on title, abstract and description. We are compiling a standardised list of keywords and synonyms across datasets to make filtering easier for users.
dcat:keyword. May be an array of strings or comma seperated list.
is required
Type: merged type (Keywords)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Keywords)
any of
Alternate dataset identifiers or local identifiers
DATA-CITE alternate-identifiers used. Note, will support comma separated list for backwards compatibility with other systems
is optional
Type: merged type (Alternate dataset identifiers)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Alternate dataset identifiers)
any of
All HDR UK registered datasets should either have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or be working towards obtaining one. If a DOI is available, please provide the DOI.
Vocabulary: DOI Data Dictionary
is optional
Type: merged type (Digital Object Identifier)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Digital Object Identifier)
all of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
identifier | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
name | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
logo | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
description | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
contactPoint | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
memberOf | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessRights | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
deliveryLeadTime | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessService | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessRequestCost | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataUseLimitation | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataUseRequirements | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Please provide a identifier (see for your organisation. If your organisation does not have a identifier please use the “suggest and institute” function here:
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Identifier)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Identifier)
all of
Name of the organisation
is required
Type: merged type (Organisation Name)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Name)
all of
Please provide a logo associated with the Gateway Organisation using a valid URL. The following formats will be accepted .jpg, .png or .svg.
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Logo)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Logo)
all of
Please provide a URL that describes the organisation.
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Description)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Description)
all of
Organisation contact point(s)
is required
Type: merged type (Organisation Contact Point)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Contact Point)
any of
Please indicate if the organisation is an Alliance Member or a Hub.
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Membership)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Membership)
all of
The URL of a webpage where the data access request process and/or guidance is provided. If there is more than one access process i.e. industry vs academic please provide both.
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Default Access Rights)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Default Access Rights)
any of
Please provide an indication of the typical processing times based on the types of requests typically received. Note: This value will be used as default access request duration for all datasets submitted by the organisation. However, there will be the opportunity to overwrite this value for each dataset.
is optional
Type: merged type (Access Request Duration)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Access Request Duration)
all of
Please provide a brief description of the data access services that are available including: environment that is currently available to researchers;additional consultancy and services;any indication of costs associated. If no environment is currently available, please indicate the current plans and timelines when and how data will be made available to researchers Note: This value will be used as default access environment for all datasets submitted by the organisation. However, there will be the opportunity to overwrite this value for each dataset.
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Access Service)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Access Service)
all of
Please provide link(s) to a webpage or a short description detailing the commercial model for processing data access requests for the organisation (if available) Definition: Indication of commercial model or cost (in GBP) for processing each data access request by the data custodian.
No standard identified
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Access Request Cost)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Access Request Cost)
any of
Please provide an indication of consent permissions for datasets and/or materials, and relates to the purposes for which datasets and/or material might be removed, stored or used. Notes: where there are existing data-sharing arrangements such as the HDR UK HUB data sharing agreement or the NIHR HIC data sharing agreement this should be indicated within access rights. This value will be used as terms for all datasets submitted by the organisation. However, there will be the opportunity to overwrite this value for each dataset.
is optional
Type: merged type (Data Use Limitation)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Use Limitation)
any of
Please indicate fit here are any additional conditions set for use if any, multiple requirements may be provided. Please ensure that these restrictions are documented in access rights information.
is optional
Type: merged type (Data Use Requirements)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Use Requirements)
any of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
description | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
associatedMedia | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
isPartOf | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
A free-text description of the record.
is optional
Type: merged type (Description)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Description)
all of
Please provide any media associated with the Gateway Organisation using a valid URI for the content. This is an opportunity to provide additional context that could be useful for researchers wanting to understand more about the dataset and its relevance to their research question. The following formats will be accepted .jpg, .png or .svg, .pdf, .xslx or .docx. Note: media asset can be hosted by the organisation or uploaded using the onboarding portal.
is optional
Type: merged type (Associated Media)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Associated Media)
any of
"PDF Document that describes study protocol"
Please complete only if the dataset is part of a group or family NOTE: we may make Groups first class citizens so the are navigable
is optional
Type: merged type (Group)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Group)
any of
The default value is:
"Hospital Episodes Statistics datasets (A&E, APC, OP, AC MSDS)."
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
spatial | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
typicalAgeRange | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
physicalSampleAvailability | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
followup | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
pathway | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
The geographical area covered by the dataset. It is recommended that links are to entries in a well-maintained gazetteer such as or
is optional
Type: merged type (Geographic Coverage)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Geographic Coverage)
any of
Please indicate the age range in whole years of participants in the dataset. Please provide range in the following format '[min age] – [max age]' where both the minimum and maximum are whole numbers (integers).
is optional
Type: merged type (Age Range)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Age Range)
all of
Availability of physical samples associated with the dataset. If samples are available, please indicate the types of samples that are available. More than one type may be provided. If sample are not yet available, please provide “AVAILABILITY TO BE CONFIRMED”. If samples are not available, then please provide “NOT AVAILABLE”.
No standard identified. Used enumeration from the UK Tissue Directory.
is optional
Type: merged type (Physical Sample Availability)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Physical Sample Availability)
any of
If known, what is the typical time span that a patient appears in the dataset (follow up period)
No standard identified
is optional
Type: merged type (Followup)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Followup)
all of
The default value is:
Please indicate if the dataset is representative of the patient pathway and any limitations the dataset may have with respect to pathway coverage. This could include if the dataset is from a single speciality or area, a single tier of care, linked across two tiers (e.g. primary and secondary care), or an integrated care record covering the whole patient pathway.
No standard identified
is optional
Type: merged type (Pathway)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Pathway)
all of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
origin | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
temporal | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
is optional
Type: merged type (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Details)
all of
is required
Type: merged type (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Details)
all of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
purpose | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
source | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
collectionSituation | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Pleases indicate the purpose(s) that the dataset was collected.
is optional
Type: merged type (Purpose)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Purpose)
any of
Pleases indicate the source of the data extraction
is optional
Type: merged type (Source)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Source)
any of
Pleases indicate the setting(s) where data was collected. Multiple settings may be provided
is optional
Type: merged type (Setting)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Setting)
any of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
accrualPeriodicity | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
distributionReleaseDate | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
startDate | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
endDate | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
timeLag | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Please indicate the frequency of distribution release. If a dataset is distributed regularly please choose a distribution release periodicity from the constrained list and indicate the next release date. When the release date becomes historical, a new release date will be calculated based on the publishing periodicity. If a dataset has been published and will remain static please indicate that it is static and indicated when it was released. If a dataset is released on an irregular basis or “on-demand” please indicate that it is Irregular and leave release date as null. If a dataset can be published in real-time or near-real-time please indicate that it is continuous and leave release date as null. Notes: see
is required
Type: merged type (Periodicity)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Periodicity)
all of
Date of the latest release of the dataset. If this is a regular release i.e. quarterly, or this is a static dataset please complete this alongside Periodicity. If this is Irregular or Continuously released please leave this blank. Notes: Periodicity and release date will be used to determine when the next release is expected. E.g. if the release date is documented as 01/01/2020 and it is now 20/04/2020 and there is a quarterly release schedule, the latest release will be calculated as 01/04/2020.
is optional
Type: merged type (Release Date)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Release Date)
any of
The start of the time period that the dataset provides coverage for. If there are multiple cohorts in the dataset with varying start dates, please provide the earliest date and use the description or the media attribute to provide more information.
is required
Type: merged type (Start Date)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Start Date)
any of
The end of the time period that the dataset provides coverage for. If the dataset is “Continuous” and has no known end date, please state continuous. If there are multiple cohorts in the dataset with varying end dates, please provide the latest date and use the description or the media attribute to provide more information.
is optional
Type: merged type (End Date)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (End Date)
any of
Please indicate the typical time-lag between an event and the data for that event appearing in the dataset
No standard identified
is required
Type: merged type (Time Lag)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Time Lag)
all of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
usage | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
access | Not specified | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
formatAndStandards | Not specified | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
This section includes information about how the data can be used and how it is currently being used
is optional
Type: unknown (Usage)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Usage)
This section includes information about data access
is required
Type: unknown (Access)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Access)
Section includes technical attributes for language vocabularies, sizes etc. and gives researchers facts about and processing the underlying data in the dataset.
is optional
Type: unknown (Format and Standards)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
unknown (Format and Standards)
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
dataUseLimitation | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataUseRequirements | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
resourceCreator | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
investigations | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
isReferencedBy | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Please provide an indication of consent permissions for datasets and/or materials, and relates to the purposes for which datasets and/or material might be removed, stored or used. NOTE: we have extended the DUO to include a value for NO LINKAGE
is optional
Type: merged type (Data Use Limitation)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Use Limitation)
any of
Please indicate fit here are any additional conditions set for use if any, multiple requirements may be provided. Please ensure that these restrictions are documented in access rights information.
is optional
Type: merged type (Data Use Requirements)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Use Requirements)
any of
Please provide the text that you would like included as part of any citation that credits this dataset. This is typically just the name of the publisher. No employee details should be provided.
is optional
Type: merged type (Citation Requirements)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Citation Requirements)
any of
No standard identified
is optional
Type: merged type (Investigations)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Investigations)
any of
Please provide the keystone paper associated with the dataset. Also include a list of known citations, if available and should be links to existing resources where the dataset has been used or referenced. Please provide multiple entries, or if you are using a csv upload please provide them as a tab separated list.
is optional
Type: merged type (Citations)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Citations)
any of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
accessRights | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessService | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
accessRequestCost | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
deliveryLeadTime | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
jurisdiction | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataController | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataProcessor | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dct:access_rights NOTE: need to ensure that this is consistent across the organisation info and the dataset info
is required
Type: merged type (Access Rights)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Access Rights)
any of
Please provide a brief description of the data access services that are available including: environment that is currently available to researchers;additional consultancy and services;any indication of costs associated. If no environment is currently available, please indicate the current plans and timelines when and how data will be made available to researchers Note: This value will be used as default access environment for all datasets submitted by the organisation. However, there will be the opportunity to overwrite this value for each dataset.
is optional
Type: merged type (Access Service)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Access Service)
all of
Please provide link(s) to a webpage detailing the commercial model for processing data access requests for the organisation (if available) Definition: Indication of commercial model or cost (in GBP) for processing each data access request by the data custodian.
No standard identified
is optional
Type: merged type (Organisation Access Request Cost)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Organisation Access Request Cost)
any of
Please provide an indication of the typical processing times based on the types of requests typically received.
is optional
Type: merged type (Access Request Duration)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Access Request Duration)
all of
Please use country code from ISO 3166-1 country codes and the associated ISO 3166-2 for regions, cities, states etc. for the country/state under whose laws the data subjects' data is collected, processed and stored. FIXME: Add ISO 3166-2 Subdivision code pattern
is required
Type: merged type (Jurisdiction)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Jurisdiction)
any of
The default value is:
Data Controller means a person/entity who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons/entities) determines the purposes for which and the way any Data Subject data, specifically personal data or are to be processed.
is required
Type: merged type (Data Controller)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Controller)
all of
A Data Processor, in relation to any Data Subject data, specifically personal data, means any person/entity (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller.
is optional
Type: merged type (Data Processor)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Data Processor)
all of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
vocabularyEncodingScheme | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
conformsTo | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
language | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
format | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
List any relevant terminologies / ontologies / controlled vocabularies, such as ICD 10 Codes, NHS Data Dictionary National Codes or SNOMED CT International, that are being used by the dataset. If the controlled vocabularies are local standards, please make that explicit. If you are using a standard that has not been included in the list, please use “other” and contact support desk to ask for an addition. Notes: More than one vocabulary may be provided.
is required
Type: merged type (Controlled Vocabulary)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Controlled Vocabulary)
any of
The default value is:
List standardised data models that the dataset has been stored in or transformed to, such as OMOP or FHIR. If the data is only available in a local format, please make that explicit. If you are using a standard that has not been included in the list, please use “other” and contact support desk to ask for an addition.
is required
Type: merged type (Conforms To)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Conforms To)
any of
The default value is:
This should list all the languages in which the dataset metadata and underlying data is made available.
dct:language. FIXME: Conforms to spec, but may be a list of strings given cardinality 1:*. Validate against external list of languages. Resources defined by the Library of Congress (ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2) SHOULD be used.
is required
Type: merged type (Language)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Language)
any of
The default value is:
If multiple formats are available please specify. See application, audio, image, message, model, multipart, text, video, Note: If your file format is not included in the current list of formats, please indicate other. If you are using the HOP you will be directed to a service desk page where you can request your additional format. If not please go to: to request your format.
is required
Type: merged type (Format)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Format)
any of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
qualifiedRelation | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
derivation | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
tools | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
If applicable, please provide the DOI of other datasets that have previously been linked to this dataset and their availability. If no DOI is available, please provide the title of the datasets that can be linked, where possible using the same title of a dataset previously onboarded to the HOP. Note: If all the datasets from Gateway organisation can be linked please indicate “ALL” and the onboarding portal will automate linkage across the datasets submitted.
is optional
Type: merged type (Linked Datasets)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Linked Datasets)
any of
Indicate if derived datasets or predefined extracts are available and the type of derivation available. Notes. Single or multiple dimensions can be provided as a derived extract alongside the dataset.
is optional
Type: merged type (Derivations)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Derivations)
any of
Please provide the URL of any analysis tools or models that have been created for this dataset and are available for further use. Multiple tools may be provided. Note: We encourage users to adopt a model along the lines of
No standard identified. We encourage users to adopt a model along the lines of
is optional
Type: merged type (Tools)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Tools)
any of
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
observedNode | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
measuredValue | integer |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
disambiguatingDescription | Merged | Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
observationDate | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
measuredProperty | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Please select one of the following statistical populations for you observation
is required
Type: merged type (Statistical Population)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Statistical Population)
all of
Please provide the population size associated with the population type the dataset i.e. 1000 people in a study, or 87 images (MRI) of Knee Usage Note: Used with Statistical Population, which specifies the type of the population in the dataset.
is required
(Measured Value) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Measured Value)
If SNOMED CT term does not provide sufficient detail, please provide a description that disambiguates the population type.
is optional
Type: merged type (Disambiguating Description)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Disambiguating Description)
all of
Please provide the date that the observation was made. Some datasets may be continuously updated and the number of records will change regularly, so the observation date provides users with the date that the analysis or query was run to generate the particular observation. Multiple observations can be made i.e. an observation of cumulative COVID positive cases by specimen on the 1/1/2021 could be 2M. On the 8/1/2021 a new observation could be 2.1M. Users can add multiple observations.
is required
Type: merged type (Observation Date)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Observation Date)
any of
The default value is:
"release date"
Initially this will be defaulted to "COUNT"
is required
Type: merged type (Measured Property)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Measured Property)
all of
The default value is:
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
name | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
description | string |
Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
elements | array |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
The name of a table in a dataset.
Should be limited to 255 Characters, abstract text requires rewrite.
is required
Type: merged type (Table Name)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Table Name)
all of
A description of a table in a dataset.
is optional
(Table Description) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Table Description)
maximum length: the maximum number of characters for this string is: 20000
minimum length: the minimum number of characters for this string is: 1
A list of data elements contained within a table in a dataset.
is required
Type: an array of merged types (Details)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
an array of merged types (Details)
Reference this group by using
Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
name | Merged | Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
dataType | string |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
description | string |
Optional | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
sensitive | boolean |
Required | cannot be null | HDR UK Dataset Schema |
Additional Properties | Any | Optional | can be null |
The name of a column in a table.
255 Chars
is required
Type: merged type (Column Name)
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
merged type (Column Name)
all of
The data type of values in the column
In future we could enumerate options for this, rather than just a string. 255 Chars
is required
(Data Type) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Data Type)
A description of a column in a table.
is optional
(Column Description) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
(Column Description)
maximum length: the maximum number of characters for this string is: 20000
minimum length: the minimum number of characters for this string is: 1
A True or False value, indicating if the field is sensitive or not
We could clarify a definition of what is sensitive in the future.
is required
(Sensitive) -
cannot be null
defined in: HDR UK Dataset Schema
Additional properties are allowed and do not have to follow a specific schema