A repository for documentation and tutorials (recipes) that help us cook up great projects
- DSBasics - Contains some of the basics used at Digital Scholarship
- Docker
- DjangoCaptcha
- MapsOrGeocoding - create map visualizations
- StoryMapJS
- bridge-update - I'm not sure why this is in the cookbook, it's a little too specific to be considered a "recipe." There should be a better place for this.
- dash
- installing dash - dash for dashboards and data viz
- django-plotly-dash
- data tables server-side processing
- django autocomplete light
- django email verification
- django flatpages and ckeditor - flatpages lets you add static html pages from admin and stores them in the database for serving up. CKEditor gives you a nice way to edit those pages in admin
- django proxy model
- google vison
- internationalization
- linked_data
- pdf_building
- scattertext - incomplete
- django search
- visualizations