The PIL library includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and computer vision.
- PIL --- top dir
- src --- source code of the library
- base --- base things ([std=c++11])
- ClassLoader--- used for plugin warp and loading
- Debug --- debug utils, exceptions, Logger
- IO --- some basic io devices support like UART
- Path --- a general path parser
- Platform --- basic platform and enviroment macros
- Svar --- the svar script language for configuration, value passing and command invoking
- Thread --- thread implementation with mutex, semaphore
- Time --- time utils including Timer, DataTime
- Types --- basic types like Int, Point, SPtr, SO3, SE3, VecParament, Random .etc
- Utils --- some other utils for string and so on
- network --- network transmission framework for IP/TCP, UDP (pi_base [system] [poco])
- Utils --- some other utils for string and so on
- hardware --- inplementation of UART, GPS, IMU and joystick, etc. (pi_base)
- UART --- UART implementation
- GPS --- GPS implementation
- IMU --- IMU implementation
- Joystick --- Joystick implementation
- cv --- some computer vision utils based on OpenCV (pi_base opencv [cvd] [ffmpeg])
- Camera --- Camera and Undistorter
- gui --- display things (Qt QGLviewer)
- gl --- opengl display framework based on Qt and OpenGL (QGLViewer), including some basic objects
- widgets --- some costum widgets for Qt
- lua --- the lua warper of some APIs (lua)
- apps --- source code of examples
- scripts --- compile scripts
- Thirdparty--- some other librarys PIL depends on
###2.1. Resources
- Download the latest code with:
git clone
###2.2. Dependency OpenCV : sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
Qt : sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui qt4-doc qt4-designer
QGLViewer : sudo apt-get install libqglviewer-dev libqglviewer2
Boost : sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
###2.2. Compilation As we develop the whole project on Linux, only compilation Makefile for linux is provided. If you are using linux systems, it can be compiled with one command:
cd PIL;make
The compilation should be ok in most circumstances and once not, you may need to modified the file scripts/LIBS_CONFIG.linux and config the library dependences manually. ##3. Usage and examples Lots of examples are provided in folder apps, cd to the app folder you wanna and input make run to excute the application.
If you have any problem, or you have some suggestions for this code, please contact Yong Zhao by, thank you very much!