GutenReader is an app built in React Native for reading books hosted by Project Gutenberg. This API handles the downloads and CRUD functionality for users' books. GutenReader also uses a Flask microservice to handle sentiment analysis and song recommendation based on the mood of the current page.
NOTE: You will need to register an app with Spotify and save the App API Key as the environment variable: SPOTIFY_APP_API_KEY
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install dependencies
$ bundle install
- Set up the database
$ createdb guten-reader-api_development
$ createdb guten-reader-api_test
$ rails db:{create,migrate,seed}
$ rails db:{create, migrate} RAILS_ENV=test
- Run the server
$ rails s
- Run the tests
$ rspec
GET api/v1/access_token/:user_id
Description: When a user's access_token expires, a GET request can be sent to /access_token/:user_id
. The user's ID is included in the params. If the request is successful, a valid access_token is returned with the status code 200. If the request fails, an error message with the status code 404 is returned. Please note, access_token expires hourly
GET /api/v1/access_token/:user_id
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Successful Response
status: 200
"access_token": "BQBqxYOa2N0AILh2hu_sTtfhP_bwN3EPT4e2jCpAn69ytIeUqgSf1xzjIkLtfSFTts_o4irOlmMuLIeG_DS-4iiQZ-W6XlRilSiy3FaSrbzpbUaaDhSkvpCAkYmqwQoA9gJvdSbIRY0jkiL_ADIQaGPXw7p7HBKo_Ao"
Unsuccessful Response
status: 404
"error": "Could not find record with user_id: 123"
GET api/v1/users/:id/books/:id
Description: A user clicks on one of their checked-out book. A GET request is sent to /users/:id/books/:id
. The user ID and book ID is included in the URL. The book ID is the ID of the book from the books table, not the Gutenberg ID. If the request is successful, you will receive a JSON response with the user's current_page and the paginated text from the request book. The paginated text is returned in an array, with each index of the array as one book page. You will also receive a 200 status code. If the request is not successful, you will receive the status code 404.
Notes on pagination
- Paginated pages include
from original text - Each page is roughly 600 characters
GET /api/v1/users/:id/books/:id
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Successful Response
status: 200
{ "data": {
"current_page": 0,
"book": [
"This is example text for page 1",
"This is example text for page 2",
"This is example text for page 3",
"This is example text for page 500"
Unsuccessful Response
status: 404
"error": "Could not find record with user_id: user_id, book_id: book_id"
POST api/v1/users/:id/books
Description: A user clicks button from search page which sends a POST request to the endpoint /api/v1/users/:id/books
. You must include the book's author
, title
, and guten_id
in the body. A img_url
is optional in the body of the request. If the POST request is successful, you will see a JSON response with the user_id and book_id and receive a 201 status code. If the POST request is unsuccessful, you will receive a 400 status code.
POST /api/v1/users/:id/books
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"guten_id": "123453",
"title": "example title",
"author": "example author"
Successful Response
status: 201
"Success": "{Title} has been added to user: {user_id} !"
Unsuccessful Response
status: 400
"error": "{Title} could not be added to user: {user_id}."
GET api/v1/users/:id/books/
Description: A user visits their 'library page'. This endpoint will retrieve a list of all their books. It will return an empty array if they have no books. It will return status 404 if the user is not found.
GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/books
Successful Response
status: 200
{ "books": [
{ "id": 1,
"guten_id": 123456,
"title": "example title",
"author": "example author",
"current_page": 0 },
{ "id": 2,
"guten_id": 789012,
"title": "example title",
"author": "example author",
"current_page": 24 },
{ "id": 3,
"guten_id": 345678,
"title": "example title",
"author": "example author",
"current_page": 42 }
Unsuccessful Response
status: 404
"error": "User could not be found."
PATCH api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id
Description: You make a PATCH request to the endpoint api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id?current_page=[CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER]
. You must include the current page in the query params of the URI with they key 'current_page'. If the PATCH request is successful, you will see a JSON response with the updated current_page and receive a 200 status code. If the PATCH does not have query param current_page, you will receive a 400 status code. If the user_book is not found, you will receive a 404 status code.
PATCH api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id?current_page={page_num}
Successful Response
PATCH api/v1/users/5/books/3?current_page=42
status: 200
id: 1,
user_id: 5,
book_id: 3,
current_page: 42,
created_at: "2019-12-19T20:15:21.536Z",
updated_at: "2019-12-19T20:15:21.536Z"
Unsuccessful Responses
status: 404
"error": "Could not find record with user_id: {user_id}, book_id: {book_id}"
status: 404
"error": "Missing query param current_page"
DELETE api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id
Description: Send a DELETE request to the endpoint api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id
to remove a book from a users library. If the DELETE request is successful, you will see a No Content response, 204 status code. If the DELETE request is unsuccessful, I will receive a 404 status code.
DELETE api/v1/users/:user_id/books/:book_id
Successful Response
status: 204
Unsuccessful Response
status: 404
"error": "Could not find record with user_id: {user_id}, book_id: {book_id} "
PATCH api/v1/users/:user_id
Description: Send a PATCH request to the endpoint api/v1/users/:user_id
with the updated user settings in the request body. If the PATCH request is successful, you will see a No Content response, 204 status code. If the PATCH request is unsuccessful, I will receive a 404 status code if user is not found or 400 status code if params are missing from the body.
Body Parms Options
Param | Options |
music_genre | "classical", "piano", "electronic" |
dyslexic_font | true or false |
dark_mode | true or false |
font_size | 10, 20, or 48 |
PATCH api/v1/users/:user_id
"music_genre": "piano",
"dyslexic_font": true,
"dark_mode": true,
"font_size": 20
Successful Response
status: 204
Unsuccessful Responses
status: 404
"error": "Could not find user with user_id: {user_id}"
status: 400
"error": "Missing required body parameters: dark_mode and font_size"
GET api/v1/users/:user_id
Description: Send a GET request to the endpoint api/v1/users/:user_id
. If the GET request is successful, you receive a JSON response with the user's preferred setting and the status code 200. If the GET request is unsuccessful, I will receive a 404 status code if user is not found.
GET api/v1/users/:user_id
Successful Response
status: 200
"music_genre": "classical",
"dyslexic_font": false,
"dark_mode": true,
"font_size": 10
Unsuccessful Responses
status: 404
"error": "Could not find user with user_id: {user_id}"