A recreation of the +1 Clicker Diamondfire Minigame in Paper Mc
This plugin is a recreation of the +1 clicker minigame found on diamondfire and made by DeepSeaBlue, if you have never played +1 Clicker, you should play the Diamondfire version before playing this one, To play this in diamondfire join mcdiamondfire.com and do /join 42998 and you are ready to go, quick reminder to type @togglemsg in chat as fast as possible, this will turn off prestige messages, this will save your ears.
This was first a silly coding project to improve my coding skills, but i just kept adding stuff and well, here we are, as of right now i coded up to the Rebirth layer, this is still very little compared to the diamondfire version, but more tiers are on the work
+1 clicker is an incremental made in Minecraft, The game revolves around the mechanic of gaining and using +1. It is used to upgrade yourself to become stronger. Clicking allows you to gain +1 equal to the clicker level, There are over 300+ Upgrades (Counting All of them), Combat, Cosmos, Lottery, and a LOT more content, feel free to find that yourself :)
I have a lot of ideas that i could add in the project, since im not limited to the diamondfire limitations i can go crazy with some things altrough rn there are a few things to work on before i could do any of those crazy stuff
- Change a lot of the Ints in the Code into BigInt to allow numbers beyond the 32-64 bit limit (Points are now Big int, but the math isin't soo i still need to do that)
Rework the way Gear works so that it dosent make my code unredableFinish the rest of the rebirth upgrades- Start work on Challenges (Probably code Apotheosis First)
- Fix whatever ASCII issue is happening (Thanks Fizzie for finding this out)
This is under the MIT lisence, soo yea, feel free to use the code, or even help me if you want, altrough idk who would want this unredable mess
Credits go to all the lovely devs of +1 clicker for actually letting me do this and also the community itself, i swear its not toxic (trust)
Huge Thanks to
- DeepSeaBue
- Les_Sosna
- Fizzie (Helped with code and Bug fixing)
- WeAreNoobs (Helped Finding Bugs)
- Darkomen (Emotional Support)
- Quantum (Helped me with code)
- And the Rest of the +1 clicker community