FourSpace - A website which helps recruiters to hire top talents and the individuals to get hired according to their capability in the technical field.
Click here and visit the site.
- Companies will create the coding contests in our website according to their.
- The individuals who are seeking jobs will be able to participate in the contest.
- The top-performing contestants will be given the priority for the job.
- The users will have stars and ratings according to their performances.
- The status of the users will be shown whether they are available for hiring or not.
- Login / Logout
- Signup
- Profile
- See list of contests
- Participate in contest
- See results
- See public questions
- See other users' profiles
- Login / Logout
- Signup
- Create contest
- See Results
- Profile
- Add questions
- See other users' profiles
gradient light: #264441
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dim font color: #8c8fa9
- JavaScript
▹ Job Listing
- The companies can list different jobs whereas the job-seekers can apply to those jobs, and participate in contests related to the jobs.
▹ Interview Platform
- The recruiters will be able to take interview of their preferred contestants.
▹Programming Activities:
- There will be different coding activities which will aid in boosting skills of the users.
▹ Feedback Form:
- The users will be able to give the feedback of our websites so that we can improve our weaknesses.
👦 Gunjan Raj Tiwari:
👦 Sandesh Dhungana:
👦 Umesh Saud: