Nymphéa exposes HTML and CSS generator functions that returns a sigle .html/.css string for a collection of nested components.
The HTML is parsed and validated by creating a temporary document with jsDOM, and a tree of components to check for circular dependencies. The library also exposes a function to retrieve this tree.
npm install nymphea
const nymphea = require('nymphea');
const components = [
{tag: 'my-parent', id: 'node-1', template: `<div class="container">{{var}} {{object.subVar}}<my-child1></my-child1> <my-child2></my-child2></div>`, styles: ".container {color: 'red';}", data: {var: 'Hello', object: {subVar: 'World'}}},
{tag: 'my-child1', id: 'node-2', template: '<span>Child 1</span>', styles: "span {color: 'blue';}"},
{tag: 'my-child2', id: 'node-3', template: `<span>Child 2 <my-child3></my-child3></span>`, styles: "span {color: 'orange';}"},
{tag: 'my-child3', id: 'node-4', template: '<span>Child 3</span>'},
const html = nymphea.generateHTML(components, 'my-parent');
// Returns a string of all the HTML with registered components repalced with their HTML content
/* <div class="nym-component-node-1">
Hello World
<div class="nym-component-node-2">
<span>Child 1</span>
<div class="nym-component-node-3">
<span>Child 2
<div class="nym-component-node-4">
<span>Child 3</span>
</div> */
const css = nymphea.generateCSS(components);
// Returns a string containing all the CSS with encapsulation by class
/* .nym-component-node-1 .container {color: 'red';}
.nym-component-node-2 span {color: 'blue';}
.nym-component-node-3 span {color: 'orange';} */
const tree = nymphea.getComponentsTree(components, 'my-parent');
// Returns the tree of components rooted on the selected tag
/* {
componentId: 'node-1',
children: [
{ componentId: 'node-2', children: [] },
{ componentId: 'node-3', children: [
{ componentId: 'node-4', children: [] }
] }
} */
type Component = {
id: string;
tag: string;
template: string |Â HTMLElement;
styles?: string;
type ComponentNode = {
componentId: string;
children: ComponentNode[];
- Let the component template be a HTMLElement
- Add data & variables to templates
- Add *nymIf directives in template
- Add *nymFor loop directives in template
- Let the component template be a HTML File
- Let the component stykes be a CSS File
- Create a nym-ignore html id attribute for parts of the temlates not to be interpreted as part of the framework