The StayFit gym wants to optimise the use of equipment by its students in order to reduce the the time it takes for them to complete the exercise sequences. The gym has M pieces of equipment and N students. Each student i has a sheet containing a sequence of ni exercises that need to be done in order, each exercise with a specific time of duration tij, where j is the equipment number.
The information about the M pieces of equipment, N students and n=Σni exercises must be read from a text file. The first 3 lines contain the values of M, N and n. Next, each student's each student, each exercise on one line, with the student's enrolment, equipment number and exercise duration in number and the duration of the exercise in minutes. Input file example:
1 1 30.0
1 3 20.5
1 2 10.0
2 1 20.5
2 3 10.0
2 2 5.0
3 6 10.5
3 2 5.5
3 5 30.0
4 3 5.0
4 4 10.5