🔭 I’m currently working on Gamee Studio.
🌱 I’m currently learning Unity especially on mobile games.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Game Development.
📫 How to reach me: Send an email to guardian.of.gods99@gmail.com or via facebook
⚡ Fun fact: life is just another game. To win it, you should find your destination.
🎮 Here's my public games project
(1) Impostor Sort Puzzle 2: Sort It 2D: CH PLAY
(2) Save the fish - Dig this!: CH PLAY
(3) Transform Battle: CH PLAY
(4) Hero Pyramid Puzzle: CH PLAY
(5) Squid Pin 3D: CH PLAY
(6) Fruit Cutter 3D: CH PLAY
(7) Ghost Run 3D: CH PLAY, APP STORE
(8) Pull Pin Out 3D: CH PLAY, APP STORE
(9) Kingdom Shot 3D: CH PLAY
(10) Dig Master: CH PLAY, APP STORE
(11) Home Pin 3: CH PLAY, APP STORE
(12) Make Over Pin 3D: CH PLAY