Bot has been shutdown and is gone.
Note: It has not been archived. You can create forks
Welcome to the Offical GitHub repository of Conchbot
The source code of the Discord bot ConchBot. The bot is entirely open source.
Also read liscense before doing. Please credit UnsoughtConch
Follow the instructions to host your own ConchBot
- Create&Activate a/the venv
It is very simple to do this
# python -m venv [name of the venv: default - venv]
python -m venv venv
Activating a/the venv:
Windows (CMD):
# [name of venv]/Scripts/activate.bat
Windows (PowerShell):
# [name of venv]/Scripts/activate.bat
# source [name of venv]/bin/activate
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the required packages:
This is simple to do:
In your terminal, run this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure the bot
This is very simple since we set it up for you so this should be easy. Run the command in your terminal
Answer the questions with a valid response
- Run the bot
Running the bot is as simple as you think since we set up everything. By doing
Contributing is easy.
Create a fork
Test your code out
Create a PR (Pull Request)
We'll look into the the PR and we ethier approve or disapprove.
You can reach out to us in a issue. By creating a issue.
If you need help with a big issue you can join our discord support server below and create a ticket so we can contact you.