Simple 2d game library based on SDL2 with a scene graph and event dispatching.
Following instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To build the project you will need CMake to be installed on your PC. Using cmake you can generate makefiles for Unix or Visual Studio project for Windows. So make sure that you have installed these as well.
Also, the project is using SDL2 library and gTest framework, but all required libs are already stored in External/ directory so no need to install them manually.
Also, it is highly recommended to have Git Bash installed if you are using Windows because cmd is disgusting :)
Anyway, all steps are reproducible via cmd so its all up to you.
After cloning/unzipping the repo follow the steps below:
Change your directory to the project folder and create a build directory.
cd SDLEngine; mkdir build; cd build
generate makefiles...
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../
... and finally build the project
make -j2
All steps below is done via Git Bash, but you can reproduce them using cmd.
Change your directory to the project folder and create a build directory.
cd SDLEngine; mkdir build; cd build
generate makefiles...
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" ../
Open the generated .sln Visual Studio solution file and build the project manually