Simple module that retrieves information about liceses assigned to user account and can display it as formatted report.
Module retrieves list of licenses subscribed by a tenant, plus retrieves recent list of product and SKU display names from Microsoft. Module then uses downloaded display names to enrich the output.
When multiple users returned, users without any license are automatically filtered out to speed up the processing
Sample below shows various uses of the module.
#get license info about user, explicitly specifying tenant ID and authenticating transparently va Windows Authentication Manager
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -AuthMode Wam
$user = Get-LicenseInfo -UserPrincipalName
$user | select-object -Expand AssignedLicenses
#get license info about user. Command creates license report
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -AuthMode Wam
$user = Get-LicenseInfo -UserPrincipalName -CreateReport
#display assigned licenses
#display license report, sorted by display name
#get license info about all users whose UPN starts with 'a', showing progress
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -AuthMode Interactive
Get-LicenseInfo -UpnStartsWith a -ShowProgress | select-object -expand AssignedLicenses
#get license info about all users whose UPN starts with 'a', authenticating with client id a client secret
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -ClientId $myClientId -ClientSecret $myClientSecret
Get-LicenseInfo -UpnStartsWith a -IncludedSkus @('SPE_E3','SPE_E5') | select-object -expand AssignedLicenses
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -ClientId $myClientId -ClientSecret $myClientSecret
Get-LicenseInfo -ShowProgress
Connect-LicenseTenant -TenantId -AuthMode Interactive
Get-LicenseInfo -ShowProgress -CreateReport | foreach-object{$_.AssignedLicenses.Report()}