- Status: accepted
- Input: Welcome from anyone!
- Deciders: {list everyone involved in the decision using github handle}
- Date: 2022-09-09
The Facebook Like button on the web map currently has some challenges with the Eurpean Region, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button
Another issue is that we are not able to create a custom Like button in the Greenstand style, Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-client#395
- {driver 1, e.g., a force, facing concern, …}
- Option #1 - Internal Like system, to save likes on trees/entities directly
- Option #2 – Internal Like system linked with Keycloak user authentication system
Option #2 because this way we can authenticate users and link them to their likes which resolves the bad UX issue of option #1. It also resolves the potential risk of cheating.
Option #1
- Users do not need an social media account, for example Facebook
- The like data becomes our own
- Implementation of a custom UI Like button would be possible, currently we have a standard Facebook Like button
Option #1
- Risk of "cheating", not being able to identify the user
- Bad UX, user who liked a tree returns back to see no record of them liking the tree
- Good, beacuse it allows every user to like an entity
- Good, because it allows for an custom Like button
- Good, because we can control and analyse the data
- Bad, because it opens up to a risk of "cheating"