Patch protoc
plugin output with Go-specific features. The protoc-gen-go-patch
command wraps calls to Go code generators like protoc-gen-go
or protoc-gen-go-grpc
and patches the Go syntax before being written to disk.
Patches are defined via an Options
extension on messages, fields, oneof
fields, enums, and enum values.
— message options, which modify the generated Go struct for a message.go.field
— message field options, which modify Go struct fields and getter methods.go.oneof
field options, which modify struct fields, interface types, and wrapper types.go.enum
options, which modify Go enum types and values.go.value
value options, which modify Goconst
import "patch/go.proto";
message OldName {
option (go.message) = {name: 'NewName'};
int id = 1 [(go.field) = {name: 'ID'}];
enum Errors {
option (go.enum) = {name: 'ProtocolErrors'};
INVALID = 1 [(go.value) = {name: 'ErrInvalid'}];
NOT_FOUND = 2 [(go.value) = {name: 'ErrNotFound'}];
TOO_FUN = 3 [(go.value) = {name: 'ErrTooFun'}];
message ToDo {
int32 id = 1 [(go.field) = {name: 'ID', tags: '`xml:"id,attr"`'}];
string description = 2 [(go.field) = {tags: '`xml:"desc"`'}];
go install
After installing protoc-gen-go-patch
, use it by specifying it with a --go-patch_out=...
argument to protoc
protoc \
-I . \
-I `go list -m -f {{.Dir}}` \
-I `go list -m -f {{.Dir}}` \
--go-patch_out=plugin=go,paths=source_relative:. \
--go-patch_out=plugin=go-grpc,paths=source_relative:. \