My individual tasks were add and edit functions for questions, read function and .jsp for candidates. Some of the tasks were assigned to the team and everyone participated on those. If someone had any problems, the team would come and help. I did also some database working and bugfixing/troubleshooting.
First sprint I had the task "creating code that runs questions into database" assigned, but I ended up working on the code that edits, reads and removes questions from the database.
During our second sprint I continued working on the codes, as they were still on-going tasks.
Third sprint I worked on making setters and getters for our candidates. Also worked on the code that updates the candidates on our database.
First sprint
I was assigned to the UI of the websites and planning and creating the questions. Also we did databases, GitHub reposiroty and Eclipse project.
Second sprint
Creating some UI and remove function.
Third sprint
Created remove function and add function to the candidate management section.