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ShareYourGraves edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 5 revisions

The economy of project DBG is fairly simple, it just has input and output.

Earning money

collecting daily and weekly rewards

you get gold coins for just logging into the game everyday, this is done through the .daily and .weekly of the DBG bot commands.
.daily will reward you with 50 gold coins .weekly will reward you with 100 gold coins

fighting enemies

fighting enemies, is probably the stable source of gold generation in project DBG, the gold that enemies drop, scales according to the level the enemy is, so when you kill a higher leveled opponent, the amount of gold you get will also increase.

fighting bosses

fighting bosses is quite a bit harder than fighting the normal enemies, you can challenge one every hour, be careful though, as if you are not leveled sufficiently for the boss, the amount of gold it drops might not be enough to cover your expenses, but most of the time, but once you're ready to take them on, the golds they drop is almost always worth it.

challenging bosses takes 100 gold coins

selling items

if you have any items that you don't need, you should probably sell it to the merchant for some free gold, it's fairly simple to do this. Go to merchant and use the command .sell item_name amount(default=1). watch out, for the resell rate, which is 1/4 of it's market value.

Using money

Now that you have amassed a lot of gold, you can spend it on, but first in order to check how much gold you have, use the .bank command

buying weapons and items from the shop

pretty self explanatory, you use the gold you've earned on upgrading your gear and other items that will help you, such as healing potions. In order to do this, first go find the Merchant bot, he's in the #market-place under main-island.

after finding him, you can use the .buy item_name amount(default=1), to buy whatever you need, then you may purchase your

Tip: you can use the .shop functions to check what's on sale right now, an item that is on sale, you will get a 5% discount(shop rotates every 3 hours)

challenging bosses

challenging bosses have a upfront cost of 100 gold coins.

change classes

changing classes require you to have a test seal, you change switch freely between class, each test seal costs 100 gold coins if it's not on sale.

Karl's potions

have not yet implemented