This is a quick coding challenge we designed to assess your qualifications as a potential front-end developer at ChurchDesk. It's important to note that this is by no means a test. We just want to get a sense of how you write code and solve problems.
To get started with this challenge, fork this repository. We provided you with a basic structure to help you get off the ground. You can of course delete everything and start from scratch, if that's what you want.
Run the project
npm install && npm start
This challenge involves working with the GitHub API to create a Single-Page Application (SPA) by using HTML, CSS and Javascript, that reads specific parts of the API and displays the data in an organised way.
GitHub API:
We recommend you to begin with studying the GitHub API documentation and choosing a specific API to work with. It is completely up to you what data you choose to work with and how you want to display it, but to get you started, here are some things you could look into:
Tip: A good one to try out is the Users API.
- displaying a list of GitHub users (limit it to whatever number you want)
- searching for a GitHub user based on a given query
- viewing detailed information about a specific user (e.g. followers, repos)
Feel free to use any modern frameworks you would like to achieve this. Apart from this, here are some things for you to consider in the process:
- adopting a component-based structure
- managing dependencies using a package manager
- automating tasks using a task runner
- making use of ES2015 (ES6) features
- show your best!
It shouldn’t take you more than 6 hours to achieve this. In any case, we expect you to get back to us 24 hours after you've forked the project.
Good luck, ChurchDesk Developers