Grace Heron 29/07/2020
Using the ‘spotifyr’[]. Is a neat R wrapper for Spotify’s Web API. This github repo is a collation of ‘spotifyr’ things I have done :) Not really anything big/impressive just some cool plots.
For fun I made some cute viz for Charli’s music. Valence is a measure of ‘happiness’, ironic as the ‘how i’m feeling now’ album was written and produced during the 2020 pandemic. Maybe it is all about the balance of happy/sad.
Cutesy polar plots of the albums. It’s kind of a fingerprint of each album. ‘Pop 2’, ‘Charli’ and ‘how i’m feeling now’ are more similar to each other than Charli’s first three albums. Growth? Stagnation? Found her niche? Either way I will eat it up.
I did my main project for MXB262 on Grimes.
- I have listened to all of Grimes’s discography
- I want to justify my opinions
- Grime’s is known for ‘edgy’ music but is it really?