Update Hymnals works together with these other components:
Update hymnals is the service that ensures changes made to the All Hymnals Sheets having the hymnals data is updated to the Hymnals Data repo where it is picked by the Study Hymnal.
- nodejs v>=6
- yarn /npm
- Install yarn
We will presume that you have git installed. If not then grab it!
cd /var/www/html/updatehymnals/
git clone https://github.com/GospelSounders/updatehymnals.git
cd updatehymnals/
yarn install
cd install
cp -r lib/ /
cd ../hymnals-data
git clone https://github.com/GospelSounders/hymnals-data.git .
Change also localhost to the url of your server in the google scripts. The default port(defined in .env.example) is 3002
cd /var/www/html/updatehymnals/resources
./changeurl.sh http://localhost:3002 your-url:your_port
Then use the import All Hymnals.xlsx
from resources to google sheets and create a script with the contents from script.gs
Enable the service after installation
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable updatehymnals.service
systemctl start updatehymnals.service
- Goto
All Hymnals.xlsx
- Open the tab of the hymnal to update
- Click on Update hymnals menu and wait until a msgbox appears
- Copy link from message box and paste into bin/resources/csvuploads/{HYMNALNAME}.enc
- remove the part of the url that is equal to
- sync with server by running (from /path/to/updatehymnals/)
rsync -a bin/csvuploads/ root@gospelsounders.org:/var/www/html/updatehymnals/bin/csvuploads/
- Open your browser to
- Go back to sheets and open AllHymnalsSheet and increment
for that hymnal and changeupdated
to 1 - Go to github and merge changes to master
Then just peek in to see if things work fine
journalctl -f -u updatehymnals
- Automatic updates
- Create forms
- Update from sheets hourly