Download all the code from github.
git clone
cd TOP13TeV
Now you can set the enviroment use one analyzer: TreeAnalysisTop (top x-section at 13 TeV), TOP5TeVAnalyzer (top x-section at 5 TeV) ot StopAnalyzer (Stop dileptonic OS).
Load Root 6, start PAF and PoD.
If you run in Oviedo, load Root 6:
source /cms/slc6_amd64_gcc493/external/gcc/4.9.3/etc/profile.d/
source /cms/slc6_amd64_gcc493/external/python/2.7.6/etc/profile.d/
source /cms/slc6_amd64_gcc493/external/python/2.7.6/etc/profile.d/
source /opt/root6/bin/
Start Pod:
source /opt/PoD/
Load PAF:
source /opt/PAF/
You have to choose the name of the sample, number of slots, the gen selection (0 = dileptonic, 1 = other, 4 = fiducial...), if systematic studies are done (false by default) and the number of events (all in the sample by default).
root -l -b -q 'RunTree_ReReco.C(sample, nSlots, dileptonic?, doSyst?, nEvents)'
As an example:
root -l -b -q 'RunTree_ReReco.C("TTJets", 1, 0, true, 1000)'
Or run all the samples (Root 6, PAF and PoD are loaded authomatically):
If you'd like to run the analysis on a local tree you can directly write the 'RunTree_ReReco.C' file and change the local path and name of the sample repectively:
TString localpath = "/your/local/path/";
TString sample = "yousample.root";
Then execute the program using for the name of the sample "TestHeppy":
root -l -b -q 'RunTree_ReReco.C("TestHeppy", 1)'
To extract the cross section, get the systematics and draw the plots you can use the code inside the folder 'TopCode'.
This code is a simplified version of the analysis at 13 TeV. Follow the previous instructions but changing the analyzer and using the files '' and 'RunTree_ReReco5TeV.C'. To extract the cross section, yields and systematic uncertainties use the code in the folder 'Plotter5TeV'.
Use the macro 'RunStopAnalysis.C'. To analyze one stop sample you must specify the masses of stop and neutralino and the weight for normalization. Example:
root -l -b -q 'RunStopAnalysis.C("T2tt_150to175LSP1to100", 1, true, 0, true, 150, 50, 0.0134)'
root -l -b -q 'RunStopAnalysis.C("TTbar_Powheg", 10)'
To analyze all masses in one file or just evey point use the script as follows:
python T2tt_150to175LSP1to100
To draw the plots use the code in the 'StopPlotter' folder. Change the path in SetPlotter.C and the "plotfolder" path defined in DrawPlots.C. To create plots for a given stop signal execute the T2ttStackPlots function with the required values of: variable to plot ("MET", "MT2", "InvMass", "NJets"...), channel ("ElMu", "Muon", "All"), level ("1btag", "MET", "2jets", "DYVetop"...), StopMass and NeutralinoMass.
root -l
.L DrawPlots.C
T2ttStackPlots(var, chan, level, StopMass, NeutralinoMass)
If there was a new release of Dataset Manager you could download it from gitlab.
git clone
mv Utils/DatasetManager/ TOP13TeV