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KDE Plasma

David C. Drake edited this page Aug 5, 2023 · 25 revisions

KDE Plasma is an extremely popular and feature-rich desktop environment. It's more familiar, customizable, and light on resources than GNOME, more versatile than Cinnamon, and more modern than Xfce. Highly recommended for most users!

Screenshot of GDL's KDE Plasma environment


Shortcut Effect
Super+ Maximize window.
Super+ Minimize window.
Super+/ Tile window to the left/right (Super can also be used with numpad keys for tiling to the corners and top/bottom of the screen).
Shift+🔆⇧/🔅⇩ Increase/decrease window opacity (alternatively, scroll the mouse wheel on the window's title bar).
Move one workspace (virtual desktop) up/down/left/right.
Move window one workspace (virtual desktop) up/down/left/right.
Super+B Hide/show window borders.
Super+D Show desktop.
Super+W Launch default web browser.
Super+T Launch default terminal (konsole).
Shift+Super+T Launch a fun alternative terminal (cool-retro-term).
Super+F Launch file manager (dolphin).
Super+E Launch text editor (kate).
Super+. Launch emoji selector.
Super+C Launch calculator (kcalc).
Super+S Launch settings manager.
Super+K Kill selected window (xkill).
Super+L Lock screen.
  • Two keyboard shortcuts are also added to the terminal emulator Konsole to assist those accustomed to Terminator:
Shortcut Effect
Ctrl+Shift+E Split the terminal vertically.
Ctrl+Shift+O Split the terminal horizontally.
  • Finally, the behavior of highlighting text by holding Shift while using numpad keys is adjusted to suit most modern users' expectations.


In addition to the default GDL software, the following packages are installed:


  • To update your system, type yay in a terminal.
  • If a game exhibits screen-tearing or other issues that might be caused by the window compositor, disable/enable compositing via Alt+Shift+F12.
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