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Andrea Catania edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 14 revisions

Godex is a cross-platform static module for Godot; this module can be compiled with the engine's core to guarantee better integration and compiler optimization. This page will show you how.

1. Clone Godex & Godot

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Note: As you would be cloning the latest version of Godot on its master branch, please open an issue if it doesn't compile. The last tested, working version of Godex-compatible Godot is specified in the, just in case.

2. Apply the Custom Iterator Patch

First, change into the cloned Godot repository like so:

cd godot

You have to patch Godot's core to support a custom iterator (see the proposal that would add this feature to Godot).

Here's how:

git apply ../godex/patches/add_custom_iterator.patch --reject --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace

3. Compile Godex & Godot

At this point everything is ready to be compiled using scons (here more additional info about how to compile Godot), Keep in mind that first-time compilation takes around 15 ~ 20 minutes!

scons -j$(nproc) platform=linuxbsd target=release_debug custom_modules="../godex"
scons platform=windows target=release_debug custom_modules="../godex"
scons platform=osx target=release_debug custom_modules="../godex"

4. You're done!

Enjoy using Godex! Don't forget to join Discord if you need any support.

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