Glottography dataset derived from Walker and Ribeiro 2011 "Bayesian Phylogeography of the Arawak Expansion in Lowland South America"
If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Walker, Robert S. & Lincoln A. Ribeiro. 2011. Bayesian Phylogeography of the Arawak Expansion in Lowland South America. 278(1718). 2562–2567. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.2579. Royal Society.
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This dataset provides contemporary, non-overlapping speaker areas for Arawakan languages derived from figure S1 in the supplementary material for Walker & Ribeiro 2011. Languages for which only point locations are given in the source are omitted.
This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license
{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-75.9, -22.3], [-75.9, 12.5], [-50.1, 12.5], [-50.1, -22.3], [-75.9, -22.3]]]}, "properties": {}}
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf:
- CLDF Generic at cldf/Generic-metadata.json