An extensible PHP port of the Linux Cowsay utility.
- Minimum: PHP 8.1+
- Recommended: PHP 8.2+
CowSay will update to stay in step with the latest, actively supported PHP version. See the Official PHP list of supported versions
$ composer require Gipetto/CowSay
use CowSay\Cow;
$bessie = new Cow('Hello, Farm!');
// store the output in a variable
$output = $bessie->say();
echo $output;
// or just echo the object for direct output
echo $bessie;
< Hello, Farm! >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Run php demo.php
to see all the included cows and their traits.
Cows support a few traits. You can specify the Eyes, Tongue, Udder and, yes, you can specify Poop.
$bessie = new Cow('Hello, Farm!');
echo $bessie;
< Hello, Farm! >
\ ^__^
\ (oO)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
U ||----W |
|| || @@@
CowSay is easily extended to add new carcases for your custom needs. See the Carcasses tutorial for more information.
It is easy to add new Traits to CowSay. See the Custom Traits documentation for more information.
- Line length calculations are not fully understood for strings with longer byte length characters. ie: Chinese.
CowSay is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).