Foodfy is a Web Application project to manage Recipes and Chefs. It was developed during Launchbase bootcamp at Rocketseat.
Users can login to the system and recover their password if it has been forgotten. Used "mailtrap" to send a password reset link by email.
Recipes can be created by any user, but can only be edited by its user or by the admin.
Admin can create, edit and delete any user, recipes and chef.
Only admin can create new users.
Admins cannot delete their own account.
Non Admin cannot edit or delete other user's recipes.
Non Admin cannot view or delete other user's accounts.
Non Admin cannot create, edit or delete chefs.
Non Admins cannot delete their own account.
When Admin creates a new user, an email is sent to the new user.
Postgres database is being used to store data persistently.
Created a search page, so when user search by either recipe's name or chef's name, user will be redirected to the search page and data will be shown by the most updated recipes.
On the other hand, the pages that show a list of recipes(home and admin.index), the recipes will be shown by the most recently created ones.
New field user_id created on table recipes.
New field updated_at created on table recipes.
New field updated_at created on chefs table.
Queries used :
ALTER TABLE recipes ADD COLUMN user_id int;
ALTER TABLE recipes ADD COLUMN updated_at timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE chefs ADD COLUMN updated_at timestamp DEFAULT (now());
For both recipes and chefs
Created a procedure to register everytime a record on(recipes or chefs) is updated:
CREATE FUNCTION trigger_set_time_stamp() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.updated_at = NOW(); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- Then, created a trigger for tables recipes and for the table Chefs:
CREATE TRIGGER set_timestamp BEFORE UPDATE ON recipes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_set_time_stamp();
CREATE TRIGGER set_timestamp BEFORE UPDATE ON chefs FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_set_time_stamp();
New table session created
Applied a redirection to Home page when user clicks on the Foodfy Logo. (For non Admin routes)
For recipes:
Applied pagination on the Admin Index page.
Implemented a not-found page. When recipe is not found this page is shown for 2 seconds, then user is redirected to recipe creation page.
setTimeout(()=> { location.href = "/admin/receitas/create" }, 2000)
For chefs:
- Applied a filter on chef's Admin Index page. So, user can search by chefs' name. User will be redirected to the same page, but with filter applied.
- Html5 (Hypertext)
- Css3 (Cascading Style Sheet)
- Javascript
- Postgres
- Node.js
- Mailtrap
Clone this repository: $ git clone
Save it on C: drive
Enter in directory: $ cd Foodfy
Install dependencies: $ npm install
Execute application: $ npm start
Open your browser in: http://localhost:5500/