From the heights of these towers of fields, forty centuries of mathematics look down on us. The library for kids who wanna learn how to do SNARKs and learn other cryptographic stuff too.
If you use Lambdaworks
libraries in your research projects, please cite them using the following template:
author={Lambdaworks contributors},
- Finite Field Algebra
- Elliptic curve models
- Elliptic curve operations
- Arithmetization schemes
- Polynomial commitment schemes
- Cryptographic tools
- Advanced tools: aggregation, recursion, accumulation
- Protocols
- Gadgets
- Big integer representation
- Basic algebra: addition, multiplication, subtraction, inversion, square root (Tonelli–Shanks)
- Field extensions
- Number theoretic transform
- Polynomial operations
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Montgomery and Barrett
- BLS12-381 (H)
- BLS12-377 (H)
- secp256k1 (H)
- Ed25519 (H)
- Jubjub (M)
- BN254 (M)
- Pasta: Pallas and Vesta (L)
- Forms:
- Affine (H)
- Projective (H)
- Montgomery (M)
- Twisted Edwards (H)
- Jacobi (L)
- Add, double, scalar multiplication.
- Multiscalar multiplication (Pippenger)
- Weyl, Tate and Ate pairings.
- R1CS - gadgets (H)
- AIR (M)
- Plonkish (H)
- ACIR (L)
- KZG and variants
- Hashing
- Inner product arguments
- Dory (L)
- Groth16
- Plonk
- Marlin
- Pseudorandom generator
- Hashes
- Blake2
- Keccak
- Poseidon
- Pedersen
- Encryption schemes
- ChaCha20
- Rescue
- ElGamal
- Fiat-Shamir
To run the benchmarks you will need cargo-criterion
, to install do:
cargo install cargo-criterion
Run the complete benchmark suite with:
make benchmarks
Run a specific benchmark suite with cargo
, for example to run the one for field
make benchmark BENCH=field
You can check the generated HTML report in target/criterion/reports/index.html