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Vue component annotated text

This repository contains a reusable Vue 3 component to visualize text annotations on web pages. It can be used for linguistic analysis, text structure or other annotations on unicode text. It is best explained by the following screenshots:





To build the docs run pnpm run docs:build


Every annotation has 2 named slots: annotation-start and annotation-end. One before the annotation, one after the annotation.

Add following to your styles.scss

@use '@ghentcdh/vue-component-annotated-text/style.css' as *;

An example usage:

<AnnotatedText ...>
  <template #annotation-end="slotProps">
  <template #annotation-start="slotProps">

Creating a new release

Documentation on releases can be found on: Release documentation

Minimal working example

To get a minimal working example, create a new vue application npm create vue@latest and cd into the newly created directory. Install the package with your favorite packet manager: npm i @ghentcdh/vue-component-annotated-text and modify main.ts to include an import the css and paste the following in App.vue. After starting with npm run dev you should see some annotations.

In main.ts add the following line to import css for the component:

import '@ghentcdh/vue-component-annotated-text/style.css'

<script setup lang="ts">
  import {
  } from '@ghentcdh/vue-component-annotated-text';

  const lines = [
    { start: 0, end: 10, gutter: '1.', text: '0123456789' },
    { start: 11, end: 20, gutter: '2.', text: 'abcdefghij' },
    { start: 21, end: 30, gutter: '3.', text: 'klmnopqrst' },
    { start: 31, end: 40, gutter: '4.', text: 'uvwxyz1234' },
  ] as Line[];

  const annotations =[
      id: '1',
      start: 1,
      end: 7,
      target: 'text',
      id: '2',
      start: 2,
      end: 9,
      target: 'text',
  ] as Annotation[];



  • update tests
  • update vitepress documentation


Built @ the Ghent Center For Digital Humanities, Ghent University by:

  • Pieterjan De Potter
  • Frederic Lamsens
  • Joren Six
  • Jahid Chetti
  • Bo Vandersteene