This application incorporates clean code architectural design techniques.
It receives input from an API, displays 3 different recycler views of the responses from
those API calls, and saves a cached stored copy of the list, and saves an additional copy in
a room database. It also has an update button to update each list.
- Have Android Studio downloaded.
- Clone the repository into Android Studio:
git clone:
Open the project in Android Studio.
Modify the source code to fit your needs.
Build the project.
Start the project.
Use the project as desired.
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your changes.
Make your changes.
Write tests to cover your changes.
Run the tests to ensure they pass.
Commit your changes.
Push your changes to your forked repository.
Submit a pull request.
- Clean Code Architecture Package Structure
- SOLID principle
- DRY principle
- Retrofit2
- API(3 different responses; One BASE_URL)
- Coroutines
- RoomDatabase
- Remote, Local, and Cache DataSources
- Dagger2
- View Model
- Live Data
- Navigation - SafeArgs
- Glide
- Recycler View
- Recycler View Animations
- Data Binding
If you have any questions or comments, please contact