A programmable XY vector display simulator. Written in rust and wgpu.
For examples of minivector in action, there are some tests:
Right now only unix systems are supported. Windows support is planned in the future. Wasm32 support was inteded, but is currently not possible since some native-only wgpu features are utilized.
Minivector is very gpu heavy. If you are processing a lot of points, a mid-range gpu is reccomended.
Minivector will create a pipe at the specified location. Applications can write instructions to this pipe which will be executed by minivector.
nohup minivector & # Run detached
cat test/drawings/hello_world.mv >> /tmp/mv_pipe # Send instructions
usage: minivector [options]
-w, --window <width> <height> Set the window size
default: 1280 720
-f --fullscreen Set the window to fullscreen [Can be toggled with F11]
-r, --resolution <width> <height> Set the resolution
default: 1920 1080
-p, --primary <color_hex> Set the primary (background) color
default: 282828
-s, --secondary <color_hex> Set the secondary (background) color
default: 33ff64
-ss, --screen-size <width> <height> Set the screen size
default: [same as the resolution]
-rg, --radius <radius> Set the radius of the electron gun
default: 1.0
-df, --dim-factor <factor> Set the dim factor per frame
default: 0.3
-ip, --instruction-pipe <pipe> Set the pipe to read the instructions
default (unix): /tmp/mv_pipe
default (windows): \\\\.\\pipe\\mv_pipe
-ep, --event-pipe <pipe> Set the pipe to send the events
defaylt: none
-ifr, --instruction-per-frame <n> Set the number of instructions per frame [If 0, it will execute all instructions in the buffer in one frame]
default: 500
-fr, --frame-rate <n> Set the frame rate
default: vsync
The simulator responds to a specific format of instructions. Instructions are 40 bits of data.
- The first 8-bits indicate the instruction type.
- The the rest is a 32 bit buffer of addtional data (eg. point coorinates)
| 00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
| -------- --------------------------------
|- 8-bit Instruction |- 32-bit Additional Data
The following is a list of supported instructions and their additional data
- 0b00 : Clear display [No Data]
- 0b01 : Move to position [X: ii6, Y: i16]
- 0b10 : Electron gun on [No Data]
- 0b11 : Electron gun off [No Data]
For interactions with another program/script, the event pipe can be used. Events are 74 bits of data.
- The first 8-bits indicate the instruction type.
- The the rest is a 64 bit buffer of addtional data
| 00000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
| -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
|- 8-bit Instruction |- 64-bit Additional Data
For an example of how to use event types, take a look at the pong demo.
- 0b000 : Frame finished processing [No Data]
- 0b001 : Key pressed [Key Scancode]
- 0b010 : Key released [Key Scancode]
- 0b011 : Mouse moved to position [X: u32, Y: u32]
- 0b100 : Mouse button pressed [Mouse button]
- 0b101 : Mouse button released [Mouse button]