This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of Attribution Preservation in Network Compression for Reliable Network Interpretation by Geondo Park, June Yong Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang, NeurIPS 2020.
The following requirements must be met:
- Python 3.6+
- CUDA 10.0+
- torch 1.1+
- torchvision 0.4+
- SciPy 0.19.1+
- imageio 2.8.0+
Create ./data directory and extract the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset inside.
mkdir data
wget -nc -P ./data
tar -xvf ./data/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar -C ./data
python --gpu --exp_name "tutorial_teacher" --data_path ../../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --imagenet_pretrained
Overall hyperparameters for training are set by default. For stochastic matching, add --stochastic --drop_percent 0.3 arguments for all below scripts.
Inside directory ./pascal/distillation:
python --gpu --exp_name "tutorial_distillation" --arch VGG16_VOC_x8 --teacher_path weights/tutorial_teacher/tutorial_teacher_best.pth.tar --data_path ../../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --transfer_type swa --transfer_weight 100
For stochastic matching, add --stochastic --drop_percent 0.3 arguments for all below scripts.
Overall hyperparameters for training are set by default. In folder ./pascal/structure:
python --gpu --exp_name name --teacher_path weights/tutorial_teacher/tutorial_teacher_best.pth.tar --model_path <saved-start-model-path> --data_path ../../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --percent 0.3 --iter 1 --transfer_type swa --transfer-weight 100
For stochastic matching, add --stochastic --drop_percent 0.3 arguments for all below scripts.
Overall hyperparameters for training are set by default. In folder ./pascal/unstructure:
python --gpu --exp_name name --teacher_path weights/tutorial_teacher/tutorial_teacher_best.pth.tar --model_path <saved-start-model-path (teacher_path)> --data_path ../../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --percent 0.2 --iter 16 --transfer_type swa --transfer-weight 100
To evaluate attribution scores, GradCam, LRP, EBP, and RAP were used.
To evaluate prediction and localization, run:
python --gpu --data_path ../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --path distillation/weights/tutorial_distill/tutorial_distill_best.pth.tar --compression kd --arch VGG16_VOC_x8
python --gpu --data_path ../data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --path distillation/weights/tutorial_distill/tutorial_distill_best.pth.tar --compression kd --arch VGG16_VOC_x8 --method gcam --metric auc
- Our network pruning code is implemented based on : rethinking-network-pruning
- Implementation of attribution maps are based on : Relative_Attributing_Propagation
title={Attribution Preservation in Network Compression for Reliable Network Interpretation},
author={Park, Geondo and Yang, June Yong and Hwang, Sung Ju and Yang, Eunho},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},