VBA scripting was created to loop through approximately 2800 company traded stocks on Wall Street. The scripting loops through all the stocks for one year, outputing information for three specific years: 2014, 2015 and 2016.
The outputed information for each year are as follows:
- The ticker symbol, 2) Yearly change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year, 3)The percent change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year, 3)The total stock volume of the stock, and 4) Conditional formatting that will highlight positive price change in green and negative price change in red. VBA scripting also returns the stock with the "Greatest % Increase", "Greatest % Decrease" and "Greatest Total Volume" for each year analyzed.
Screenshots for each year are shown below:
VBA scripting was used to automate a routine task. The scripting could be applied to any year for the same 2800 company traded stocks. Scripting was tested to ensure repeatibility and that it ran efficiently with the click of a button.