RESTful Coordinate Transformation API offering NSGI defined and NSGI recommended transformations for the Netherlands. Build on top of pyproj and FastAPI.
- API metadata, documentation and source code is in English
- API provides easy accesible and correct coordinate transformations
- Conforms (as much is possible) to the OGC API Common and the NL API Design rules
⚠️ pyproj makes use of it's own proj binaries andPROJ_DIR
. These are set when pyproj is build.
Pyproj with default configuration is not capable in performing the right transformations, because our primary transformations layer on the following transformation grids:
Recommended RDNAPTRANS(TM)2018 variant:
And the geoid for BESTRANS2020.
These transformation grids need to be downloaded from the Datumgrid CDN and put in the correct directory. This can be done in a couple of ways.
- Enable
environment variable - Edit
file by settingnetwork = on
These will download the necessary files to a cache so they can be use for the correct transformation. But this requires a network connection, preferable we don't want to rely on this network connection and provide these files with the application. This can be done by:
- Mirror and write the these file to the data directory
- Download the specific files to the root of the data directory
Project uses uv for package management. To get started install uv
and run:
Install dev dependencies with:
uv sync
Enable pre-commit hooks with:
pre-commit install
Repository also contains a .envrc
config file, which automatically activates the uv
virtual environment. See the direnv wiki for how to set this up.
Run all tests or run all tests except the validation tests:
pytest tests # all tests
pytest tests -k 'not validation' tests # all tests except validation
pytest tests -k 'validation' tests # only validation tests
Check test coverage (install coverage
with pip install coverage
coverage run --source=src/coordinate_transformation_api -m pytest -v tests && coverage report -m
Validate OAS document:
# install spectral with: npm install -g @stoplight/spectral-cli - then validate openapi doc with:
echo 'extends: "spectral:oas"\n'> /tmp/ruleset.yaml
spectral lint --ruleset /tmp/ruleset.yaml
rm /tmp/ruleset.yaml
Execute the following shell commands to install the NSGI proj.time.dependent.transformations.db
as proj.db
from the
GeodetischeInfrastructuur/transformations repo:
NSGI_PROJ_DB_VERSION=$(sed -rn 's/ARG NSGI_PROJ_DB_VERSION="(.*)"/\1/p' < Dockerfile)
proj_data_dir=$(python3 -c 'import pyproj;print(pyproj.datadir.get_data_dir());')
# ( cmd ) -> subshell to execute commands in $proj_data_dir without changing workdir of current shell
cd "$proj_data_dir"
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -o nl_nsgi_nlgeo2018.tif && \
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -o nl_nsgi_rdcorr2018.tif && \
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -o nl_nsgi_rdtrans2018.tif && \
release_url="${NSGI_PROJ_DB_VERSION}" && \
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
$(curl -s "$release_url" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name=="bq_nsgi_bongeo2004.tif").url') -o bq_nsgi_bongeo2004.tif && \
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
$(curl -s "$release_url" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name=="nllat2018.gtx").url') -o nllat2018.gtx && \
curl -sL --show-error -w "%{url}\n" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
$(curl -s "$release_url" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name=="proj.time.dependent.transformations.db").url') -o proj.db
⚠️ For 'default' usage, like QGIS, use the proj.db. The coordinate transformation API it self uses the proj.time.dependent.transformations.db for specific time dependent transformations.
docker build -t nsgi/coordinate-transformation-api .
docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 --name ct-api nsgi/coordinate-transformation-api
wget --no-parent --recursive
pip install datamodel-code-generator
datamodel-codegen --input --input-file-type jsonschema --output
Download test/sample data from
Creating a subset of CityJSON file (for - for example - testing purposes):
cjio subset --random 10 save
CRS transformation with cjio
cjio crs_reproject 4937 save
input([/transform endpoint]) ==> filetype{content-type<br>request body}
filetype==> | GeoJSON | dc_param{density-check parameter}
filetype==> | CityJSON | a4[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-implemented]
a4 --> tf
dc_param ==> |"`default: *true*`"|ms_param{max_segment param}
ms_param -.-> |max_segment_deviation param| bc[check if data within bbox]
bc --> |success| dc
bc --> |failure| output_error_bbox([HTTP 400 with bbox error])
ms_param ==> |"`max_segment_length param (default: *200*)`"| dc[density check]
dc_param -.-> |"`*false*`"| a5[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-run]
a5 --> tf[transform]
dc --> |"not applicable: geometrytype is point" | a2[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-applicable-geom-type]
dc --> |"success"| a3[add response header:<br>density-check-result: success]
dc --> |"failure"| a6[add response header:<br>density-check-result: failed]
a6 --> output_error([HTTP 400 with density check report])
a2 --> tf
a3 --> tf
tf --> output([http 200 response])
class output_error error
class output_error_bbox error
classDef error stroke: red,stroke-width:2px
style output stroke: green,stroke-width:2px