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Tom Coulthard edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Flow-visualisation wiki!

The aim of the project is to use the leaflet-velocity visualisations to show flows (water, sediment etc..) in Landscape Evolution Models (LEM's). It consists of a series of python scripts to read in a header file and data file.

Header file (.hdr) contains:

ncols 383

nrows 142

xllcorner 473591.82568359

yllcorner 401672.37890625

cellsize 200

projection EPSG:27700

Number of cols, rows, co-ordinates of xll and yll (here in GB national grid though could also be in UTM), cellsize and details in the projection.

The data file (.txt) contains two columns with each line containing the x and y velocities for each point. It assumes the original data from the model is in a two dimensional array and the x and y velocity data has been output reading in rows.

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