It is possible to run system with Docker Compose from the project root:
- Images use default host and custom bridge network. To create bridge network, run:
docker network create -d bridge task-tracker-network
- With created networks, next command will start everything:
docker-compose up --build
System consists of several python microservices, that store
data in PostgreSQL databases and communicate asynchronously through RabbitMQ.
For detailed discribtion look at services/
The communication between services is asynchronous and goes through RabbitMQ queues. The following scheme defines the connection of services with exchanges and queues:
- Use user public id in all user endpoints
- Accounting system logic
- Dockerize Accounting
- Notification service
- Analytics service
- Env files
- Use user pablic id in all user endpoints
- Accounting system logic
- Dockerize Accounting
- Notification service
- Analytics service
- Env files