You can run the console sample by passing in command line arguments as shown in this example:
java -jar ./build/libs/workspace-sample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --apiKey=<key> --clientId=<clientId> --baseUrl=<url> --authBaseUrl=<optional> --username=<tenant\\username> --password=<p> --debugEnabled --defaultAgentId=<optional> --defaultDn=<optional> --defaultDestination=<optional>
Command | Aliases | Arguments | Description |
initialize | init, i | initialize the API using the arguments provided at startup | |
destroy | logout, l | logout and cleanup | |
activate-channels | ac | agentId, dn | activate the voice channel using the provided resources |
user | u | print information about the user | |
configuration | c | print configuration returned by the server | |
dn | print the current state of the dn | ||
calls | print the list of active calls | ||
ready | r | set agent state to ready | |
not-ready | nr | set agent state to notready | |
dnd-on | turn do-not-disturb on for voice | ||
dnd-off | turn do-not-disturb off for voice | ||
voice-logout | logout the voice channel (does not logout the overall session) | ||
voice-login | login the voice channel after previously using voice-logout | ||
set-forward | destination | set call forwarding to the specified destination | |
cancel-forward | cancel call forwarding | ||
make-call | mc | destination | make a call to the specified destination. If not provided the default destination will be used. |
answer | a | id | answer the specified call (*) |
hold | h | id | place the specified call on hold. (*) |
retrieve | ret | id | retrieve the specified call (*) |
release | rel | id | release the specified call (*) |
clear-call | id | clear the specified call (*) | |
send-dtmf | dtmf | id, digits | send the specified dtmf digits (*) |
redirect | id, destination | redirect the call to the specified destination (*) | |
initiate-conference | ic | id, destination | initiate a conference to the specified destination |
complete-conference | cc | id, parentConnId | complete a conference (**) |
delete-from-conference | dfc | id, dnToDrop | |
initiate-transfer | it | id, destination | initiate a transfer to the specified destination |
complete-transfer | ct | id, parentConnId | complete a transfer (**) |
alternate | alt | id, heldConnId | alternate calls |
merge | id, otherConnId | merge calls | |
reconnect | id, heldConnId | reconnect call | |
single-step-conference | id, destination | perform a single-step conference to the specified destination (*) | |
single-step-transfer | id, destination | perform a single-step transfer to the specififed destination (*) | |
attach-user-data | aud | id, key, value | attach the specified key/value pair to the call (*) |
update-user-data | uud | id, key, value | update the specified key/value pair (*) |
delete-user-data-pair | dp | id, key | delete the specified user-data key (*) |
start-recording | id | start call recording (*) | |
pause-recording | id | pause call recording (*) | |
resume-recording | id | resume call recording (*) | |
stop-recording | id | stop call recording (*) | |
send-user-event | key, value, callUuid | send EventUserEvent with the provided key/value pair and optional callUuid. | |
target-search | ts | searchTerm, limit | search for targets using the specified search term |
clear | clear the output window | ||
console-config | print the console config | ||
exit | x | logout if necessary then exit | |
debug | d | toggle debug output | |
help | ? | print the list of available commands |
(*) - if there is only one active call the id parameter can be omitted.
(**) - if there are only two active calls both id and parentId parameters can be omitted.