An aiida aliases plugin for Fisher
, based on the omf-git-plugin
fisher install GeigerJ2/plugin-aiida
For the AiiDA profile to appear on the right prompt, one needs to manually apply the following modification:
\x1epython\x1ejava -> \x1epython\x1eaiida\x1ejava
in the file:
For the universal variable:
which is set via:
I tried using sed
to automate this, but didn't manage due to the \x1e
control characters...
Create, inspect and import AiiDA archives.
Inspect and manage calcjobs.
Setup and manage codes.
Setup and manage computers.
Manage the AiiDA configuration.
Inspect and manage the daemon.
Inspect, create and manage data nodes.
Commands for developers.
Create, inspect and manage groups of nodes.
Show help for given command.
Inspect, create and manage nodes.
Inspect AiiDA plugins.
Inspect and manage processes.
Inspect and manage the configured profiles.
Setup a new profile in a fully automated fashion.
Run the AiiDA REST API server.
Execute scripts with preloaded AiiDA environment.
Setup a new profile.
Start a python shell with preloaded AiiDA environment.
Print status of AiiDA services.
Inspect and manage stored data for a profile.
Inspect and manage users.