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Is it possible to remap velocity values in fluidpatcher? #52

Answered by albedozero
Syridian asked this question in Q&A
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You can use router rules to modify the velocity (par2) of note messages based on a range, like the example below. This isn't a curve exactly and requires some math and/or trial and error, but you can probably achieve something useful enough this way. Most MIDI keyboards I've used have some way to select the velocity curve if you dig through the manual - maybe yours got set to a really odd one?

    2: FluidR3_GM.sf2:000:000
    - {type: note, chan: 1=2, par2: 1-40*2+0}
    - {type: note, chan: 1=2, par2: 41-127*0.6+56}

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