Wechaty Schedule allow you to easily schedule jobs for your Wechaty bots.
$ npm install wechaty-schedule --save
$ vim tasks.json
// Task name
"task-1": {
// Message(s) will be sent in 13:00 everyday
"time": "16:00:00",
// [String|Array], Which room(s) you want to send the message(s). Set empty if you don't need a room.
"room": ["My Chating Group1", "My Chating Group2"],
// [String|Array], Who you want to send the message(s).
"contact": "",
// [String|Array], Message(s) you want to send.
"content": ["Today is a nice day!", "It's time to have a cup of tea."]
"task-2": {
// Message(s) will be send in that time
"time": "2018/01/01 00:00:00",
"room": "",
"contact": ["Gcaufy", "Zixia"],
"content": "Happy New Year"
$ vim mybot.js
const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty');
const WechatySechdulePlugin = require('wechaty-schedule');
const bot = Wechaty.instance();
bot.use(WechatySechdulePlugin({ tasks: './tasks.json' }))
.on('scan', (url, code) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${code}\n${url}`))
.on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`))
$ node mybot.js