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Controller for a servo node for simulator Gazebo.

To start the world enter the command

roslaunch servo_gazebo servo_world.launch 

This would start a world with one box(motor driver) and a axle which moves in x-y plane. The motor driver drives the axle to move in any direction. The distance between them has been kept to reduce friction to 0. This will also start the servo controller

This would start the controller for the joint. Name of the joint is joint 1. If you give the command

rostopic list

You'll find the publisher and subscriber for the controllers.


Is the rostopic which commands the axle to move in a particular direction. To manually give commands to the controller try publishing from command line using

rostopic pub -1 /servo/joint1_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.4" 

You'll notice that the controller gets into an angle of 0.4 radian. To publish the command from a script i.e a node type

rosrun joint_controller strt_script

This will start a script which subscribes from a subscriber (here: /mavros/imu/data) and adjust servo commands according to it


install ros-control

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-ros-controllers

Modify the xacro and urdf files in accordance to your code. Change the axis of rotation which suits you.

add transmission interface
add hardware interface
add actuator 
add plugin for gazebo
add Run and build depends as they are in the code

Now add a control package into your system

catkin_create_pkg servo_control
make a yaml file with pid values as it is in the code
make a launch file. Don't forget to include the yaml files
add build and run depends

Make a world file

Add spawner in your existing/new world file	

If you want to run the code as a script.

catkin_create_pkg <script_name>
write the publisher code
publish in the topic, /servo/joint1_position_controller/command as it is in the code
add build and ros depends as 

For further queries like sdf integration, mail me at, or add an issue,


Servo Controller for ROS/Gazebo.







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