Create, design, and implement a web-based application capable of running SQL queries and displaying the results of the query. The application includes a space that accepts SQL queries in the form of user inputs, runs the given query, and displays the result within the application.
npm install
npm start
pageload by
- Query 1: Allows you to execute a dynamic WHERE query. Input the necessary fields and execute the query.
- Query 2: Executes a DISTINCT query. Select the input and execute the query.
- Ascending/Descending sorting for columns by clicking on ▲
- Updates the table with original data
- Open statistics for the result of the current query results
- Saves the query and displays it in the Old Queries panel
- Dropdown: Allows selection of the number of rows per page
- Filters data with the given order ID
- Downloads the result array as JSON
- Customized pagination for selecting rows and direct page navigation
- Acts as a history of saved queries
- Queries can be executed directly by clicking on them
- Refresh Button: Refreshes the panel
- Delete All Button: Clears the Old Query Panel
- Stats Button: Dynamically see analysis for the result of any query
- Download Report as PDF: Clicking on it downloads the analysis report as a PDF
- Documentation Button: Check the documentation as a guide for using the application.
- The second button on the left allows you to change the theme.
Refer to the Guideline.js file for detailed guidelines and features of the application.