Hydrate React components/styles and screens the Infinite Red way.
Make sure you have Yeoman:
npm install -g yo
Now install irrigate generator
npm install -g generator-irrigate
yo irrigate AppName
-- Generate new React Native app based off of IR RNBaseyo irrigate:container ContainerName
-- Simple containeryo irrigate:screen ScreenName
-- An opinionated containeryo irrigate:component ComponentName
-- Creates a base componentyo irrigate:redux ActionReducerSet
-- Coming One Day 🌄yo irrigate:saga SagaName
-- Coming One Day 🌄
Run npm link
to link this code base locally and so you don't have to keep reinstalling, you've got a symlink.
Code is written in ES2015+, so npm run compile
will babelfy the source.
This was originally conceived without Yeoman, so there's a good bit of overlap with yeoman functionality over included functionality. Once we're sure we're going 100% with Yeoman or not it would be ideal to unify the syntax.