These are work and projects I developed as a part of Udacity Robotics Nanodegree Program.
You can also view my self driving car projects and computer vision projects.
In this project, I'll:
- write code to autonautonomously map a simulated environment, search for samples of interest, and pick them up.
- use Kinematics and ROS to manipulate a robotic arm in simulation with six degrees of freedom to pick up an object from one location and place it in another without running into obstacles.
- program a Willow Garage, two-armed PR2 robot to locate an object in a cluttered environment and then relocate it to a new location
- train a deep neural network to identify and track a target in simulation and then issue commands to a drone to follow that target.
Make sure you have Anaconda installed. Then, run conda env create -f environment.yml
to install all necessary packages needed for all my projects.
If you have issues installing packages, get more instructions here.